Vote for your favorite or the best forger in your opinion. If I forgot someone's name its an accident and not personal.
you cant really expect for people to choose a best forger ever do you? There are thousends of maps,and just as many forgers. if you want to find "the best forger ever" you will have to find out which maps the community likes the best,figure out the makers,have several rounds of elimination. and you might wanna take into concideration that some forgers might get there feeling hurt,some might get offended,and worse. sorry but this is just a bad idea from the start.
I find it very funny that DeathToll isn't up there.. I think this poll is very biased. You didn't even put the Batty Man up there. He's someone to be remembered.
How did you chose the contestants? It is some what elitist, seeing as most of the forgers are premium.If this would be serious, everyone on FH would have an equal chance.It will be extremely hard to decide who the best forger is. Therefore, I will not vote. Never the less, it will be interesting to see what people think.
you did not list every single forger there is or ever was, therefore the poll is biased and demeaning for anyone else who practices the art. LOCKED.