True: Created by Metroshell Download "Choose Your Path" Description: At least 5 paths to take from starting point!! #1: Stay in starting base, grab the BR, and look out the window for oncoming enemies. #2: Go out either side exit, run to the center stairs, grab the SMG, break the pallets covering the fence, and guard the Energy Sword spawn point. #3: Go out either side exit, run to one of the bridges leading to the roof of the center building, and go for 1 or all 3 of the major objects on the roof (Sniper Rifle, Invisibility, and Power Drain). #4: Go out either side exit and stick to the closest wall. When you run into an obstacle (Wall or Wire Spool in this case), turn away from the wall you're sticking to 90 degrees and go into the Shotgun Tunnel (which includes BR, Shotgun, and Regenerator). #5: Go out the left side exit and stick to the farthest left wall until you run into 2 wire spools. Jump onto the spools, turn right 90 degrees, and jump through the shield door that is protecting the Energy Sword spawn point. Reccomended Gametypes: 2-Team Slayer 2-Team Assault Additional Gametypes: None At The Moment Reccomended Capacity: 1-8 Players Weapons & Equipment: Human: 6 Battle Rifles 2 SMGs 1 Sniper Rifle 2 Shotguns Covenant: 2 Plasma Rifles 1 Plasma Pistol 2 Needler 2 Carbines (sort of hidden, eh) 1 Energy Sword 2 Plasma Grenades Brute: 2 Maulers 2 Spikers 4 Spike Grenades Miscellaneous: 1 Power Drain 2 Regenerators 1 Powerup (Invisibility) 2 Fusion Coils Download Now! Note: In some of the screenshots, there are objects that havent spawned yet (stairs and such) because I forgot to set them to spawn at start. Don't worry, the DL version is fixed!
very messy, try straitening some walls before posting on forge hub. I am suer it is a good map, just get the aesthetics down if you want downloads
I played some Custom Games with 8 people on the map and the gameplay is unbelievably fun. Nothing is overpowered and getting away from the action is rare. I'll post some pictures soon. :squirrel_chatting:
the middle structure seems very well thought out and i like your little 5 way walkthrough i think that the idea of going through the back to come around to the sword is very nice. but i just don't understand why you put such a small amount of effort into the bases compared to the middle structure. you should add more secenry and stuff.
Your map looks like it would PLAY well, but as others have said you need to rework the aesthetics. I sit easy to get out of the playable area.