Death Canyon Created by TyRant Hacker Description **Honor Rules** Death Canyon is on Avalanche and is a mongoose based game. A specific infection game type must be used for this map. The humans are to drive around the map avoiding the infected. This game is similar to Tremor n Mouse and Cat n Mouse. Each round it is random between the two type of games, Tremor n Mouse and Cat n Mouse. If the infected are in Choppers, there objective is to splatter the humans, but are not allowed to shoot. While, the humans are not allowed to board the choppers. If the infected are in Wraiths, there objective is to drive around in the Wraith and destroy the kewl mongoose drivers. Use the game type "Mice Skirmish" If you would like to play strickely Tremor & Mouse, Download the map "Tremor Canyon" and the game type "Tremor & Mouse" NO HIJACKING! No SHOOTING! Download Death Canyon | Download Mice Skirmish Download Tremor Canyon |Download Tremor & Mouse Download Death Canyon | Download Mice Skirmish Download Tremor Canyon |Download Tremor & Mouse
lots of nice geomerging there. i love the ideas in this, like the window inbetween the vent things on the last pic, the mongoose only escape routes and the big path up to the middle. very nice.
Where are the vehicles located... Your map would be a lot more attractive if you could post some action pics. I like the geo-merging here. They all look so clean and smooth. The obstacles/structures are placed quite evenly as well giving sufficient space to the players. Great idea mixing two mini-game classics. Nice job.
Thank you guys for your positive feedback. I will be posting a few action shots, I have been out of town for a week so I will add some up in a bit. Thanks Viper.
where do the vehicles spawn....? and i think there should be some more obstacles for the mongooses to avoid
hm its been awhile you should show me this if i decide to come on halo soon, looks like a sexy tremors type thing ily <3
looks nice with all the geo.merged objects. maybe its a little too open you could for example add some boxes or walls. all in all i really like it and def dl.