Warehouse Players: 4-8 Hey, I'm WhyHelloThere and this is the first map that I have posted on this website. Warehouse may not look like much, but this map is not made for making people gasp at how well it is forged or how aesthetically pleasing it is, Warehouse is made just to have a good time. I originally made this map on Foundry, but I was bored one day and remade it on the bottom of Sandbox. So here we go... Warehouse is just a small square with 8 blocks surrounding the middle structure. Not much to it. There are no weapons or grenades at all in this map so you need to play Warehouse on these gametypes. I made 4 different gametypes for Warehouse. They are Pins & Needles, Warehouse SWAT, Warehouse Snipe, ans Warehouse Rocks. These games work best for 4v4 and 3v3 but work fine with 2v2. Teamwork is very important to win in all of these games. Pins & Needles is a gametype that uses Needlers as the primary weapon and Energy Swords as the secondary weapon. Your armor is 150% Damage Resistant (you can take more damage than normal), your weapons have a 90% Damage Modifier meaning they dish out 90% of the normal damage. You need a whole clip of the Needler, 2 Sword slashes, or a combination or both to kill the enemy. There is infinite ammo, 150% gravity to avoid jumping up on top of the blocks, no weapon pickup, only a 10 meter radar, and to win your team must get 50 kills. Warehouse SWAT is just a normal SWAT game. Infinite ammo, you use BRs and Magnums, 50 kills to win. However, there is 150% gravity and a 10 meter radar. Warehouse Snipe is a game of Team Snipers. This gametype is mostly played to perfect no-scoping skills. The Sniper Rifle is the only weapon used. This gametype is different from the others in the fact that there are no damage effects; you give out and receive normal damage. You also get a 25 meter radar this game. 50 kills to win. Warehouse Rocks is Team Rockets. It's just you, your Rocket Launcher, and your teammates. 150% Damage Resistant, 90% Damage Modifier, infinite ammo, 150% gravity, no weapon pickup, a 10 meter radar, and poor camo is placed on every player. 50 kills to win. Now for the pictures... Overview [/URL] Closer Overview of the Middle [/URL] A Hallway (All look the same) [/URL] Pins & Needles Gameplay [/URL] Pins & Needles Gameplay 2 [/URL] Pins & Needles Gameplay 3 [/URL] SWAT Gameplay [/URL] SWAT Gameplay 2 [/URL] DOWNLOAD WAREHOUSE DOWNLOAD PINS & NEEDLES DOWNLOAD WAREHOUSE SWAT DOWNLOAD WAREHOUSE SNIPE DOWNLOAD WAREHOUSE ROCKS Thanks.
Ok, you've got pictures now, but to be harsh it just looks like you threw it together in 20 min. Things you could have done that you should have done: 1: put a roof over it or made the sides taller. 2: geomerge all the blocks and stuff into the ground so nades and crap don't get stuck under them. 3: weapons would have been nice. 4: maybe make it larger (this is more of an option, it isn't really necessary) Other than that it has decent gameplay for the gametypes you listed (just played warehouse rock and pins and needles at my friends house) but if you had made it support all gametypes, then it would have been a lot better. I could see koth being very fun on it. Overall, ok job but could have been better aesthetically and layout wise.
lol i think you can get out of map very easy. i like that you interlock some objects at the middle. overall i think its little bit too small. you got do it a little bit gigger with more ways where you can hide a little bit and more interlocking then it would be very good. to your map overall i think is ok.
Thank you for your advice. I will make a v2 and put a roof on it just so that people can't get out. I'll geomerge the blocks into the ground and then make it bigger so it can hold more gametypes and probably put some weapons into it.
I was surprised to see a map named warehouse wasnt built in Foundry... It looks incredibly simplistic, and should not be in the competitive maps section. It's almost entirely flat and appears to be more suited to minigames than serious matches.