Well to be honest, I really like mine Sumo map a whole lot better than the one in Action Sack. Who's with me?
sound like fun. but i think the platfrom where you "sumo ring" is a little bit small for a warthog maybe you add some mongooses and delet the warthog or you do the platform a little bit bigger. maybe you could interlock when yu do a version. but overall a nice idea.
Well the outer ring and the first floor are interlocked. I felt that interlocking the rest was a waste of time (and trouble, because it was my first interlocking). At the first level warthogs are way stronger than all the other vehicles. But since there are only 4 warthogs, those will fall of rather quick. The second level is best for mongooses and ghosts, so is the last level. But it makes it all the more fun when someone suddenly comes rushing in with a warthog at the second level =D I'm working on a new gametype on this map. There will be two towers of 3 floors next to the center. There a Zombie will spawn with rocket and fuel rod gun. The others must race in vehicles to dodge his shots. In the end there will be lots of rockets to dodge >. But at the moment I have difficulies with my budget and getting the spawns to work with each gametype.
still no feedback :<. I would love to hear from people what I can improve on this map? Let me know, tnx in advanche!
Nice idea but but the catwalks on the way there should be a little bit wider and the ghost seem to have an advantage since they can thrust. Just my opinion though. Its still a great map and all.