HOPSCOTCH (no significance to the name) this is my first attempt at interlocking on a map. the geomerging wasn't working for me because I kept dying so I need more experience with that obviously. the map is built around a central walled structure which is easily accessible from either side. it's meant to be that way. the bases offer limited cover but sufficient. plenty of cover all around IMO. the upper tube structure can be reached by a teleporter door (pointed out in one of the pictures) or by a mancannnon located on the ghost side. the other teleporter door transports you to the other side of the map right behind the ghost. there's another mancannon for each base located towards the right of them, they're hidden in flat blocks interlocked with a small corner which acts as a ramp. the tower can be reached via hidden teleporters in the huge blocks in the center of the map...again pointed out in the pictures. there is no sniper in the tower. the sniper and beam rifle are located on platforms at either base with grav lifts to reach them if needed. keep in mind the tower is not necessarily an advantage because someone could pop up behind you at any time. it played very well for me and the friends I tested it with on the gametypes it's set up for. Weapon List 2 BRs / 90 sec / 1 spare 2 Carbines / 90 sec / 1 spare 2 Spikers / 90 sec / 1 spare 2 Needlers / 120 sec / 1 spare 2 Maulers / 90 sec / 1 spare 2 ARs / 90 sec / 1 spare 1 Brute Shot / 120 sec / 1 spare 1 Laser / 180 sec 1 Sword / 180 sec 1 Sniper / 120 sec / 1 spare 1 Beam Rifle / 120 sec 1 Rocket Launcher / 120 sec / no spare 1 shotgun / 120 sec / 1 spare Equipment List 2 Trip Mines / 120 sec 2 Grav Lifts / 120 sec 1 Radar Jammer / 120 sec 1 Power Drain / 90 sec 1 Flare / 90 sec 2 Bubble Shields / 120 sec 1 Regenerator / 90 sec 1 Overshield / 120 sec 1 Camo / 120 sec Vehicles 1 Ghost / 180 sec 2 Geese / 90 sec set up for slayer/team slayer, CTF, and KOTH 4 - 12 players overviews bases side views teleporter door to other side teleporter door to top of tube structure tower entrances one on each side of center rocket spawn laser/sword spawns
nnice map i like that you interlock some of your object. i also see that you got some good iideas so the layout is very good too. maybe there are a little bit to much tunnels very you can hide so i would delet for example the ghost and add maybe a second shotgun or something.
Interesting map, im so confuzed when looking at the pics, it looks very elaborate. I would make some of the walls taller however, they look as if you can get on top of the map and jump everywhere.
"This map and idea are original so I give you props on that. Looking closely at it I bet it plays pretty damn fun. My only gripe with the map is that there is too much equipment. It takes away from any quality gameplay IMO." says former Green Bay QB Brett Favre
thanx...IYO, what equipment isn't necessary....I'm listening ). I had a lot of fun testing it with my friends on the gametypes it's set up for and they seemed to enjoy it quite a bit. I hope others can as well. any critique, good or bad is always welcome. in addition, I made the pics larger so people can get a better look at the map.
Its funny that the map says halo because the first thing I thought was Call of Duty. I think it would be a good idea to include a description in the post because you'll probably get a lot of the same questions and concerns. The first thing I wanna point out is the lack of access points to higher elevation. You have several elevated structures but very few ways to reach them. I would consider a mancannon here and there or maybe a teleporter. I also think that the map would benefit from better bases on each side of the map. The small mongoose areas seem a bit lacking in cover...
thanx for the input. your concerns are duly noted and I'll edit my post with a description as best I can. there are 3 mancannons on the map BTW...they just didn't show up well in the pictures. I did make some changes to the map. the stairstep structure to the right of the red base in the 4th picture was too annoying to jump up on that way so I made a ramp instead. I followed anothers suggestion and took out some of the equipment and added some more respawn points. I am reluctant to replace the map with the newer one or provide a link to a version 2 in this same thread. any suggestions???