I took 2 group photos because the first one didn't work out so here they are: Overall it was a fun TGIF, especially since it was the first one I've ever hosted. Hope to get more people in the game next time, although for the most part it was a good size. We played some fun games and if anyone wants to play with me sometime my gamer tag is Cryptokid.
It's Cryto's recap... Anyway, fun party, and the longest one hosted to the best of my knowledge. I was the red elite.
Hmm it looked like fun but the pics are a little sloppy but not bad. Good job on the last one though I think that has a nice angle to it.
Aw I wish I was there so bad... Oh yeah and the shots are ok.I dont like the third one what is with the rogue guys he ruined the whole dang shot and there is too much going on there.Overall nice job and the tgif looked awsome.