It's just a hell of a lot of saving and quitting. You spawn the object (weapon in this case), hold it in the area you want it to be, save, then quit. It's as simple as that really, but you have to do it so many times to get it as perfect as the 'pros' do. I think this is what you mean?
Yeah, you do this then line your character up on it and get the angle in theatre right so it looks like part of him.
you can just spawn a bridge in mid air a bit slanted and put the weapons on that. thats a much easier and fast way
Very easy, make a brdge in the air, slanted of corse. Make your, quit, restart, eraset bridge. [/URL] Ive gotten 2000 downloads on this from effect.
I think thats describe it best. yes just a bridge and a lt saving and quitiing nice that you share with the communitiy