E3 2009: Miyamoto Reveals New Zelda for Wii: News from 1UP.com The State of Nintendo: An Interview with Shigeru Miyamoto - GameSpot E3 2009 Interview http://zelda.wikia.com/wiki/The_Legend_of_Zelda_(upcoming_Wii_game) I'm glad they're getting away from the windwaker series and making a real zelda game now. I'm sure some of you have heard about this but noones posted about so i thought i would to see your oppinions. In the third link there is a picture with link and a short girl I think it could be midna from twilight princess or some otheers think it's a zora. Discuss.
HolycrapYAY! Metroid Returns!!! And the People are Actually Realistically Animated! Didn't see anything in the Video on the New Zelda but Mario Bros. Wii Looks Awexsome EDIT: Holy Fricking Crap, I Just realized the Blue Girl resembles the Master Sword
I didnt watch the video,but if so this is great. I have always loved zelda,and just for the record,wind waker was awesome. I dont know why,but I hope this is a graphicly enhanced ocarina of time. that is all.
In the video they discuss zelda towards the end, but anyway this is something we've needed for awhile.