Easy 1. Pick up Active Camo 2. Throw flare 3. Take pic in theatre to get this (trust me do it, it will work, it is just bad on computers so try it yourself) [/URL] also if you do it right, it will look like a Half Camo effect (trust me do it, it will work, it is just bad on computers so try it yourself) [/URL]
Thanks for the guide! I never knew it was bad only on computers. Ill try it out today and see how it goes.
I think there's a problem with your pics. They seem like the exact same thing; I dont see a difference.
There definitely is one, its just waaay too bright. There is a ghost in the second shot. And mostly, it is not computer's fault. Did you know that the screenshot you take can be totally different from your screen? The most drastic example is probably the deployable cover. Beat it, wait for it to recharge, move in with the camera while it does so. You will haz tha most epic effectz evar! The sad thing: As soon as you take the screenshot, it will all go pixels in the screenshot. Only your screen shows this, but the screenshot fails.
I am very aware of this issue. I've explained this to many others too. When you take a pic, have you noticed that moment where it loads the pic in little boxes in order from left to right, then up to down, and then presents the final pic with the menu? Well, what is loading IS the picture saved on B.net and your computer. Instead of taking a bazillion pics to try and get what you need, just snap a pic, WAIT AND WATCH THE LOADING SCREEN, WHERE THE BOXES START SLIDING IN, and then decide if that's the pic you wanted. If not, just discard the shot.
Yay then I can see the dirt on my screen... After getting a new screen, I can only see white pictures now.
trust me buddy,it doesn't work in theater or on the computer. it will take your picture but go in to ur screen shots and you will still get just a bright white light. i know because i was toying with the same effects. It looks like it snaps your picture but in reality, this is all you willl get,sorry.