Legendary DLC Blue Abyss

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by oFatalAcex, May 20, 2009.

  1. oFatalAcex

    oFatalAcex Ancient
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    Blue Abyss
    Created by: ltz Adrenaline
    Map Description:
    Blue Abyss is the first enclosed map on avalanche that supports 8 players. The map is made up of two bases, with multiple catwalks, walkways, tunnels and paths. It also has two mancannon lifts that get you right into the action. Once your team secures the rockets in the beginning of the match and takes control of the map, it is all up hill, fast pace game play from then on. Each team spawns with a sniper rifle and either a custom power up or active camo, depending upon if your attackers or defenders.

    Every box that can change color is blue so the map isn't an eye sore. Every object and box placed on the map is neatly merged. Any solid item touching the ground is geode in to insure grenades do not get stuck in cracks. All pathways, walkways and any piece of ground you can step on is interlocked to give a clean strafe able surface.This map took about a month to create and complete.

    GameTypes Supported: MLG Team Slayer, MLG FFA, MLG Oddball and MLG King.
    Players Supported: 2-8.

    The Map Contains:|Spawn Time|Number of Clips

    Rocker Launcher x1 | 180 seconds | 0 clips -drop spawned
    Sniper Rifle x2 | 150 seconds | 1 clip -both drop spawned
    Active Camo x1 | 120 seconds | N/A
    Oversheild x1 | 120 seconds | N/A
    Mauler x1 | 60 seconds | 0 clips
    Plasma Pistol x1 | 60 seconds | N/A
    Battle Rifle x5 | 30 seconds | 2 clips
    Covenant Carbine x3 | 20 seconds | 2 clips
    Frag Grenade x4 | 10 seconds | N/A
    Plasma Grenade x8 | 10 seconds | N/A


    This is the top of Blue Snipe Tower and Main Bridge.

    Overview screenshot of main ramp leading up to blue sniper tower.

    Rocket Launcher spawn, main catwalk.

    Underneath blue snipe tower, Defenders spawn.

    Another screenshot underneath blue snipe tower, sticky corner.

    Plasma Pistol spawn, more Geo merging. In front of blue snipe tower.

    Top sniper tower, sniper spawn.

    Top snipe platform, more Geo merging.

    Attackers spawn aka Tree spawn.

    Main mancannon lift tower.

    Active Camo Elbow, mancannon lift.

    Top Attackers platform, mancannon lift.

    Second sniper spawn, Mancannon snipe tower.

    Bottom mancannon lift tower.

    Light ramp leading to Overshield spawn.

    Outside overview screenshot of the fully enclosed map.

    Action Screenshots:

    Sledge hammer to the back.


    All Walls on the map were lowered just a tad to make sure grenades don't get stuck or go flying threw. The Rocket Launcher and both sniper rifles are drop spawned, to make sure they spawn at the same time every time. Also you cannot grenade jump out the map.

    Well that's it go ahead and download the map and have fun. Don't forget to share this map with your friends. Please leave a comment and rate my thread. Leave any and all feedback here. Thanks -Dan

    Created by: lTz Adrenaline

    #1 oFatalAcex, May 20, 2009
    Last edited: May 20, 2009
  2. Lemons Reloaded

    Lemons Reloaded Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i just love this kind of map! though there are only a few, small enclosed avalanche maps are always awesome! this one in particular though.
    clean interlocking, incredible geomerging, original layout, and anything else that makes a map perfect! OVER 9000!/5 and a download!
    i hope to see this map featured in the future, it certainly deserves to be!
    so thanks for the wonderful map and have a nice day! :D
  3. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    This looks nice not your typical avalnche map since most are made floating. I do feel there are a few to many weaponsfrom what isee though i have yet to play it. Oh and i hope you know there is a spot on those energy things that things can move through and i think if its placed right a player can fit through.
  4. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
    Senior Member

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    WOW. Amazing geomerging, and overall...construction(?). The structures are fantastic, but I do agree with Heretic, but I haven't played yet. It seems flawless, just like MLG Darkness ;).
  5. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    Wooow this map is really good. The geomerging is fanaminal(<spelled wrong i know) And its mlg. this is one of the best maps on avalanche ive ever seen you have my download. On another note i noticed that you use photobucket and that you deleted the pics of your other maps. Im not sure if you know this but wen you delete a picture off of your photobucket galery it deletes the picture were ever its been copied onto or embedded to in this case your maps thresd. So that was just a heads up for next time. And just again your map is amazing. 5/5
  6. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    time to download and see if your map is as good as it looks. many maps of this kind look great from the pics but the creator often purposely does not take pictures of specific parts of the map. plus maps that look good dont always play well.
    the merging is astounding though, good work
  7. mrcleanup

    mrcleanup Ancient
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    Fatal Ace is the Man!

    You do some of the best work making map on maps that dont usually have maps made on them. Everyone does not know how much time you spent just to get the right color box on the map so you can do what you want with it. You have done a great job on this map love how you made this one it is one of the best I have seen done on a map that is not made for forging. This one should get featured. Give this one some real props for the geomerging and interlocking. 5/5 for sure and recomended to my friends.
  8. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow, this map is amazing, as what has already been said it is not your average avalanche map and the geomerging and interlocking is just wicked! Great forging really! This also looks set up for some great gameplay, I will dl and edit my post with more comments on the gameplay and so on!
  9. oFatalAcex

    oFatalAcex Ancient
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    @ Lemons Reloaded Thanks for downloading my map. I doubt that this could get featured cause I don't think I've ever seen an MLG map featured on forgehub before. Don't forget to come back here and leave feedback.

    @ abandoned heretic Don't worry their are no spots you can get out of the map. I tried grenade jumping out in like a thousand spots. Leave feedback after testing.

    @ meltyourtv Yeah the Geo merging took really long especially because color coding the boxes is a *****, the map took twice as long just cause I had to color code every box. Don't forget to Leave feedback.

    @ Duckman620 Thanks for letting me know that if delete a picture on photobucket, it gets removed from here also. I feel like such an idiot now my other maps have no pics. Try playing a couple games on here and come leave some feedback when your done.

    @ pinohkio I recommend playing MLG TS 2v2 that seems to have really fun game play, even try FFA and 3v3. Leave feedback when your done.

    @ eevilklown Thanks for the download, try playing on it and then coming back here and leaving feedback.

    @ mrcleanup So you are saying I suck at making maps on forge maps like sandbox and foundry?....Kidding but yeah color coding is a ***** I don't recommend doing it unless you have time to waste. I doubt it would get featured cause how often do they feature a MLG map? almost never. Come back here and leave feedback after testing.

    @ TFx KiLl3r Thanks for downloading my map. Don't forget to edit your post with feedback.

    The gametypes I recommend playing on this map are MLG TS, MLG FFA and MLG Oddball. 2v2 seems to be the most fun.
    Thanks again for everyone who downloaded the map. Leave all feedback here. Any kind of feedback is good just so I know what I need to fix on the map.
    #9 oFatalAcex, May 21, 2009
    Last edited: May 21, 2009
  10. iBR F4LL3N

    iBR F4LL3N Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is a very well merged map. You really took Avalanche and made it into your own. Well Done 5/5
  11. notanoobforger

    notanoobforger Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I played this map and you did a great job. What I like about it is that you separated it from the rest of avalanche but kept it a decent size too, which is hard to do as I've seen some pretty nice avalanche maps that are separate but they're all really small. I'd also like to note that your geomerging is nothing short of perfection- a real nice touch to the map. It must have been hard as hell to do. 10/10 from me.
  12. Optic

    Optic Ancient
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    I absolutely love forged maps that aren't made on Foundry or Sandbox, they are such an interesting change. This looks fantastic and I will definitly be downloading when live is back up. If anyone knows of any other well built maps on maps that aren't Foundry or Sandbox, I would love to see them.
  13. WhyHelloThere

    WhyHelloThere Ancient
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    Wow!! When I clicked on this I was reluctant, but after seeing the pics, I'm glad i didnt back out! You did an amazing job on the geomerging, but maybe you could give a better overview picture? It's kindof hard to see the whole map with all those barricades and stuff..... I think you put a little too many weapons on the map as welll.
  14. oFatalAcex

    oFatalAcex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm thinking of making a v2 and taking some of the weapons off cause it does seem like there is to many.

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