Legendary DLC MLG Darkness

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by oFatalAcex, May 2, 2009.

  1. oFatalAcex

    oFatalAcex Ancient
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    I think when I get back on this weekend I am gonna redo somethings on it. Starting with those walls at sniper tower cause many people think it's unneeded. I have to agree and plus I could use alot of those walls in other places. Probably change the spawns and make them better. Then I'll update this thread probably won't be till the weekend though.

    @onandpoppin: If it wasn't for you this map would of never even of got posted. Thanks for changing my mind.

    Thanks again for everyone who commented and download my map. I have another map in the process. So til then I guess.
  2. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
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    yup, im just with everone in loving this map, i am also one of those people who just thought..."wow" at the first sight of the pictures. my favorite merging is bottom middle and bottom red's stairs, its just amazing. its pretty sweet that there is custom also. the one part that i dont exacly understand, is the slope on snipe 2? yes, it looks like a good window/slot/cover but, the whole circle doesnt seem right to me and i dont know why, sorry if its just me. and with eh shield door(i dont know if you got this alot) but, is there anything else to put there to put a smooth wall? because sadely, sheidl doors arnt allowed under some rules as you most likely know. but over all, amazing job with the map. congrates, hope it get features, no joke.
  3. WREX

    WREX Ancient
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    Im wondering how long you spent making this! Holy CRAP! I mean Blackout is already awesome, so when I saw it was on Blackout, I was like "oh This is lame, probably just changed the weapons...blah blah blah" Then I scrolled through a bit, and the further I went into the screenshots, the more I liked this map.

    Mad props for patience with the ridiculous amount of geomerging, and interlocking.

  4. Two Car Garage

    Two Car Garage Ancient
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    Whoa dude, nice map! I already dl'd it! I love the aesthetics.


    "You know you've been playing too much Halo when you press up directional pad to talk to your parents and RB to pick up your fork..."
  5. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    The first screeny made me puke a bit... But i acutally looks really good! An MLG map on Blackout... How unique... You added so much stuff to make it better... And i love that you blocked off that annoying hole so you cant chuck nades up it. 4/5
  6. Optic

    Optic Ancient
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    The links to the pics aren't working for me :( I really want to check this map out but live is down atm, I'll definitly be downloading just from the comments alone.
  7. Rise Against

    Rise Against Ancient
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    Your pictures are messed up... but if it is as good as everyone says, then I will download. Ill edit this **** when my xbox turns on and I see this for myself.

    Edit: Eh, it is alright. The forging is perfect and I like what you did, yet to me it just feels like a messed up version of blackout, rather than a new map. I would have to say that I like the original version of blackout much better.
    #27 Rise Against, Jun 18, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2009
  8. oFatalAcex

    oFatalAcex Ancient
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    I deleted all the pictures on photobucket by accident, not knowing it would delete them on here. So I retook them and updated my post.
  9. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
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    This is probably one of my favourite forges of all time. 100x better than the original, in my opinion. Only critisism is that the grav lift floats a little crooked, but who really cares right!

    Also would be cool if all the boxes were the same colour :)

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