Reactor Factor STORY: This reactor was built underground to contain the radiation and now the Covenant want its technology to power their ships' plasma cannons and missiles. Stop them, or let Humanity die. DESCRIPTION: Built with Match Making rules and regulations in mind. Within ALL specifications. This map was made for ALL team match making game varients. Will support large free for all games for custom game lovers. Supports ALL gametypes but is not meant for some (just in case someone want to play infection or something to that nature). YOUR BEST FRIENDS: 1x Rocket (Spare Clips: 0, Respawn: 120 sec.) 1x Sniper (Spare Clips: 1, Respawn: 90 sec.) 4x Shotguns (Spare Clips: 0, Respawn: 120 sec.) 4x Carbines (Spare Clips: 2, Respawn: 30 sec.) 2x SMGs (Spare Clips: 2, Respawn: 30 sec.) 10x BRs (Spare Clips: 2, Respawn: 30 sec.) 1x Brute Shot (Spare Clips: 2, Respawn: 60 sec.) 2x Plasma Rifles (Spare Clips: N.A., Respawn: 30 sec.) 2x Machine Gun Turrets (Spare Clips: N.A., Respawn: 90 sec.) YOUR FRIENDS' FRIENDS: 1x Active Camo (Respawn: 90 sec.) 1x Power Drain (Respawn: 120 sec.) 1x Bubble Shield (Respawn: 120 sec.) 2x Regenerators (Respawn: 120 sec.) 1x Flare (Respawn: 60 sec.) 14x Plasma Grenades (Respawn: 10 sec.[default]) Vehicles: 2x Ghosts (Respawn: 60 sec., Place at Start: NO) 2x Mongeese (Respawn: 90 sec.) YouTube - Reactor Factor by LT Ambrose 26 IMAGES Spoiler Red Outpost, Shotgun under corner piece. Red Base Blue Outpost, Shotgun under corner piece. By now you're wondering, wow, too many power weapons. Well, They're evenly distributed, 0 clips and long respawn times. I wouldn't worry too much, just focus on pwning your next victim, who may very well be carrying one of these weapons. Blue Base The "Reactor" Rocket Spawn Quick get away via grav lift held in place with the weapon holder Neutral Base Invisibility Spawn in Neutral Base Sniper Tower, easy to sneak up on an unsuspecting, zoomed in sniper. *Assassination!*, or stick. The view from the Sniper Tower, so godly with such a handy weapon there, until you're assassinated. Light Vehicle Friendly Blue Base's Turret, Red has one too of course. Reactor Factor
POW3R, do you really think it looks like it was thrown together without interlocking and merging. I recommend you go on the map first. There's more interlocking than you think. It's just not obvious because it that good =D (Just playing with that statement, but most of it was kept fairly smooth.)
Sort of interesting layout, not really for objective it looks like but this looks like a great FFA map. Although your post isnt up to ForgeHub map posting standards......every map post needs a picture of the map, 1 at least and a video cant replace it nice map though, from what i see in the video. Multiple elevated reminds me of a Foundry map but I cant place the anem
Woah man nice interlocking! 5/5 and dl! ^^lulz Anyway, great map, stunning layout, loving the reactor. The bases seem to flow well I can't really see an major problems. Also loving the BR spawns with the different coloured pillars, very innovative. Now for the criticism, the only main thing I can see is at each base, if you can spare the room, make it so that you can access each higher level by ramp as well as the lift, this way if you just happen to be doing 1v1 (shudder) and they are camping with the sniper and shotty there are three entrances they have to cover to make sure they don't get killed. As I cannot test this map as I have been grounded for the term, I cannot actually tell if this is helpful or just redundant, hopefully the first option. anyway nice map look forward to actually dling it!
I really like this map. I think its a perfect slayer map with enough cove to hide and play like any other bungiemap. I do dislike the killball. I hate killballs imo they dont belong in any map. Maybe instead of the red and blue orb you used in the corner you can put them together on the killballs spot so they make a purple center light. 4.5/5
well, you could, but then there isn't a feel of a reaction. the killball has movement making feel like there's animation to the map, plus, if you don't like, just don't look up. I don't know, it just makes me feel like there is a reaction going on. But I don't know, I liked the idea of it.
I like the map. Very nice structures, Esp. the center piece. It's very original. The power weapons might be pushing it. I would remove the rockets and only have 2 shotguns. I see were your going by setting them to 120 respawn, but still. Also, I would make the sniper tower so it has a little less visibility that way it's not so big of an advatage... And maybe increase the spawn on the ghosts. Other than that, I like everything else. 7/10 because of the mucho power weapons.
The images are under the spoiler, click on it. There are 13 images each with a caption. And for Hank, I understand your concern and I thought about it, but the shotguns are at essentially the corners of the map, in addition there's no spare clips. So they won't last long unless you grab the others, oh and 2 of them are sorta hidden under the outposts found in the images. But I definitely took into consideration the power weapons when I placed them. Non, except the sniper, have spare clips and lengthy respawns to keep extreme annoyance to a minimum. And for the sniper tower, you'll see there's plenty of cover; under bridges, behind the bases, under the sniper tower in the secret exit room, the miscellaneous tubes and structures. You'll get a better idea when you see the map in first person. Oh and here you'll find that the view is surprisingly limited, limitations are the same for the blue side of the map as well (image also found under spoiler in original post). And for Violence, I would have loved to make ramps if I could figure a way to make them. I ran out of budget so I really can't make renovations without completely destroying some other part of the map. But I agree with you, I did want ramps, just not enough budget. p.s. If any of this sounds stuck up in any way, let me know. I really don't mean to be, but apparently I came off as stuck up with one of my maps at ATLAS. Just trying to explain parts that may seem messed up, n=but I do agree with some valid points you guys make, like the ramp. I'm glad about the feedback though, it's stuff to think about if I make a V2
I see what you mean with the shot guns. But still I think maybe some kind of limited view from the sniper tower in a v2. From up there you could easily snipe someone from top of either base. As a possible idea. Add a horizontal slit wall to the base facing walls in the tower to limit the view just a little. Just a sugestion.
Well, I made a V2, and I'm still working on opinions and edits. But I'd like you to check it out, you'll see that a lot of the problems mentioned by our fellow members, and you, have been fixed, for the most part. Although I would still like to find ways to improve it in some ways or something, but I'd like some feedback on it in this thread so I can check and see what you thought. Or if you prefer, you could send me FR and we could go over the map on LIVE (my GT is the same as my username). Here's the V2, ReactorFactorV2. I'll make a V3 or edits depending on how many or how big you guys think the changes should be. I'll make a thread for the V2 if you think one would be better, I'll get some images as well of the V2.
nice to see that you interlock maybe you could geo-merge at some points but overall its good. i would delet the ghost i think without it would be more fun, but thats your decision..overall nice map.
I recommend you check out the post above for the V2, but I will be making a thread for it soon with images. I wanted to do some geomerging but it was too late. It's really something to be taken in to consideration when starting a map. It's too late for this map, but on my next maps.
first off, the geometry is very interesting and the geometry layout is balanced with nice flow. Unfortunately, the weapon set is overpowered to say the least. This isn't because of the weapon set entirely, but because of the way they are placed. The worst is the rockets and camo. The layout constitutes an easy, short walk from rockets to camo. That's BAD. camo should be on the other side of the map, separated from rockets by a wrought iron fence MADE OF TIGERS. also with the size of the map, I would delete both turrets entirely replacing them with something less overpowering like a brute shot. lastly, have you noticed that there isn't a single bungie-made map where the sniper is in a large tower, let alone any elevated position? This is because snipers are supposed to get there themselves which would give the other team a chance to kill him while he's vulnerable. I'm not trying to be hard on you, but with a map like yours it cant play to its full potential because of a few simple changes. As of now I'm giving it a 3/5, but if you make a few weapon changes I'll raise it to a 4/5.
I love this map has that MLG feel but keeping it Competetive I like it, also nice original ceter piece, acutaly adds to the map and its name. good job.
Well, I'm working on a V3 where I moved the sniper, the V2 had 2 shotguns deleted. As for the Rocket and Camo, since the rocket is in the center of the map, there really is no opposite side unless you think the sky bubble is a good place(lul, like that would work). But I really can't move the camo without favoring the red or blue side. It has to be in the middle somewhere, sadly I guess you think that's too close to the rocket. And the turrets, well, I asked some friends who are pretty good map enthusiast and they said it should stay. Besides, there's really no other main defense for the bases except that. But some of your points are definitely valid, for example, the sniper I moved that to the base of the tower so they have to survive the climb up. Thanks for your thoughts, I'll try ans figure out something about the camo, but I want to keep the rocket where it is. It would help if you gave me a suggestion as to a new location for it that's still fair game.
Wonderful. Also concerning the powerups, The wrought iron fence has been done before but you'll have to get creative with the tigers. Anywho, it's nice to know that you're hard at work improving it so here's an extremely comprehensive guide to weapon & equipment placement by Silence. there's not much left in the way of flaws except for neatening up spawns weapons etc. also, check if your map is suitable for a ghost.