Sandbox Eighty Grit

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Tesai, Jun 9, 2009.

  1. MDIGN

    MDIGN Ancient
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    A classic, a Square v.s. a Circle.. lol. this is cool, too bad I ran out of gold so I cna't play it w/ my friends. =(

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    nicely done.
    maybe you could interlock some of your objects a little bit better and i think there are too much power weapons on your map.
    you can get map control to easy with them, but i like the layout you got some good ideas so overall i would say its a 4/5
  3. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Tesai and I were playing some FFA on 80 Grit and Tesai splattered me with the wheel of one of the choppers! :O

    Before that, I splattered someone else with the chopper wheel!

    The Chopper was one of the best additions to 80 Grit I've seen yet. Tesai, you should definitely submit this to Atlas; Utah Mambo and 80 Grit in Matchmaking would be awesome!

    Try playing the map. Before you claim that there are not enough interlocked objects and too many power weapons, play the map. Also, don't give some rating that is based off of the pictures. 80 Grit is not a "4/5" map.
    #23 Psycho, Jun 12, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2009
  4. Tesai

    Tesai Ancient
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    Yeah, Blue base too, BUt I really don't think it gives any adavantage, except an easier way to traverse the top of the bases.

    OV and Camo, are very cloase to the same distances from spawns, taking into account how easy it is for each team to traverse the map. As far as Power weapons go, you're right I will be able to set your mind at ease. Spawn times and spareclips have been well tuned.

    Fair enough. I do think the bases work well as is, but I could see your concerns. Main areas are the Outer-top entrances and standing above the base. They way the map plays, if it is an objective based game there will be more inner base confrontations, slayer based games hardly use the interiors (with the exception of VIP). There are plenty of entrances to the bases, so when defending you kinda get a paranoid feeling that I just don't want to live without. It just feels cool.


    Well I can see how the Sniper spawn placement isn't initally visible, but all it takes is finding it once to change the game play. I'm sure you've heard this on XBL, "Hey guys is there a Sniper Rifle on this map?" many a time on Bungie default maps. I kinda like them tucked out of the way, because sometimes they just don't get picked up or they're forgotten about. Makes for some cool fluctuation in game play.
    As for the Pyramid thingies, I call them Clawfeet, I actually like them. Just tall enough where you have to crouch jump to get on them, but you can use the little claw bit to aid your jump if needed. They make for great cover as well. I think the deciding factor to include them is the awesome Chopper jumps you can get off of them. Just ask Cosmic, lol.

    Thanks for reminding me Titmar, and I am currently collecting vids for ATLAS.
    If anyone has a particularly good vid to pass to me, just let me know, otherwise I'll see you on the playing field.

    Actually, since you brought it up, From the begining I wanted this to kinda have an Organic vs Mechanical feel to it. Good catch man.

    That aside...

    I'd like to thank all of you who have commented so far. All in all, 80grit has recieved alot of great praise and I really appreciate that. I put alot of effort and hours into to this thing and am very proud of it. I hope people continue to have fun on it, and hopefully we'll see a chance of this getting into MM. Wish me luck.

    BTW, I had to relink this to a newer upload because my original file had a typo in the description. It said "solders" not "soldiers" like it should have. So the first 93 of you who downloaded this thing have a limited collectors addition. lol.

    Once again, I'd like to thank all of you for the kind words, and hope to play with some of you sometime.
  5. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    I have to agree with everything everyone is saying. Almost.

    In slayer gametypes, i notice two problems;
    1. When playing 8v8, it is possible to controll all of the power weapons and vehicles. Its hard to do, but once you do it the game is pretty much over.
    2. The BRs are become overwhelming every two minutes or so. Thats about how long it takes for the vehicles to be destroyed. The best thing about this map, is that those two problems actually have no affect on gameplay. The first issue last untill oversheild respawns. The second issue lasts untill vehicles respawn. Then, suddenly the game starts again totally even.

    Rating: 8:10

    Edit: No one seems to understand that in my rating system, five is an average map, not seven. Eight is what I rated Utah Mambo. I have never given a ten.
    #25 Jex Yoyo, Jun 14, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2009
  6. MrCasperTom

    MrCasperTom Ancient
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    Well it is stated in the description thats it recommended for 6-10 players so that might be why it becomes like that in 8v8.

    Personally I didn't find the BR's that dominating in the games I played but if your on about you 8v8 experience then I suppose getting BRs from every orifice would be a bit annoying.

    Edit: Tesai I think you've missed Grav Lift of the equipment list in the initial post.
    #26 MrCasperTom, Jun 15, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2009
  7. MasterM 500

    MasterM 500 Ancient
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    I showed this map to a couple of friends and they were all in awe, from both the aesthetics and the gameplay. It all flows very smoothly and we had a blast here. Like others have stated the weapons and their placement work well and nothing feels overpowered. The bases are designed very well and the cover in the middle is quite effective. I only played with about 5 people but I look forward to playing it with more sometime. Nice work, fantastic map, 10/10.
  8. Optic

    Optic Ancient
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    I think this map is fantastic except after playing it I still think there are too many weapons on the map for a map that only really supports 6v6 without pushing it.

    Also I disliked how you need to deploy a grav lift to reach the laser. I personally would like to see grav lifts merged into the middle structure on each side so that both teams have an equal chance of reaching laser.
  9. Tesai

    Tesai Ancient
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    Thanks Optic.

    There are quite a few weapons on this map, but not really all that much more than default Sandbox. Even with all the BR's people seem to like BR starts. I've been thinking of maybe removing or replacing a couple BRs, but at this point I don't really want to make any changes as I've just submitted to ATLAS. We'll see what Shishka has to say.

    As for the Grav Lift, I really like that you have to place it to win over the Splaser. Although it doesn't looks so, each team has an equal chance of grabbing that thing. Plus it's a little easier for the Blue Team to reach their Sniper first, so if he has to take out a Red guy that gets to the Grav Lift (or any other equipment) first, no worries. I really like your idea of merging them, but it would not allow you to use it to get in/out the bases or a quick jump up to Rockets. It's a versatile thing, you have to plan how you're gonna use it.
  10. LT Ambrose 26

    LT Ambrose 26 Ancient
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    I can honestly say this has been one of the BEST maps I've been on, particularly since I helped play test it. Yay GoO, great community! If you have submitted this to ATLAS, I hope it gets accepted. I had fun on this map, and I was wondering, do you know if I'm in any of those action shots? Great job Tesai! You're an excellent forger from an excellent community (GoO). Could I maybe get some help on my map, Reactor Factor?
  11. Tesai

    Tesai Ancient
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    Eighty Grit? - Atlas Submission with trial changes* - Accepted into Bungie vs World Playlist!

    *Trial changes include:
    -Man Cannons interlocked in central Anvil for easy access to Splaser
    Although I personally like the dynamic of the Grav Lift, I've heard many requests to change this. So here you are, some man-cannons interlocked into the Glyph sides of the Anvil.
    -Splaser spawn time increased to 180 sec.
    Result of making it more accessible.
    -Shotguns reduced to 0 spare clips
    I still love the placement, so I've decided to just try reducing the amount of ammo.
    -Bruteshots reduced to 1 spare clip
    See above.
    -Snipers reduced to 0 spare clips and 90 sec. respawn.
    This change I think makes the most sense. The previous setting (1 Spare Clip: 180 sec. respawn) allowed a good Sniper to take 8 shots to the top of the dune above Blue Base, and pop heads for a short while. At 4 shots per 90 seconds, you essentially have the same amount of ammo throughout the match, but less of a chance that someone will walk all the way to the top of the dune with only 4 shots.
    -Two spawns in Red base reoriented toward front of base.
    To help prevent the disorientation Red base sometimes causes.

    I haven't been able to test these trial changes yet, and probably won't have a chance for about a week. If anyone is willing to host a testing party on this, I would appreciate any feedback and/or test videos.

    Thanks guys.
    #31 Tesai, Jun 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2009
  12. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    This map is now on Social Big team and Sqaud battle
    Congrats Tesai
  13. Tesai

    Tesai Ancient
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    Thanks man! Woo! I'm honored!
  14. Dark Brier

    Dark Brier Ancient
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    Hey I remember playing this map. The gameplay is awesome, and you did a great job of balancing both sides on a non-symmetrical map. This should have been the default sandbox. 5/5- Awesome, awesome job!

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