Sup guys, This was actually my very first track I made on sandbox, I just havent posted it until now. This track is made on the floor level of Sandbox, because 95% of race maps that you see on sandbox are made in the sky bubble, so I wanted to do something a little different. When making this track i wanted to take full advantage of using both the ground and the sand dunes as parts of my track. I made sure to inclde plenty of jumps, a set of whoops, and the funnest part of the whole track - The HUGE backflip you do off the mancannons up onto the sand dunes! The other main feature of this track would of course be the part it is named after - the PIT OF DOOM. anyways enough typing because half of you wont even read this. Heres the pics - (PS - there is no interlocking in this track because it was not needed. I dont believe in interlocking when it is pointless and the track will still run the exact same) starting point first set of whoops leading to ramp/tunnel bridge/U-turn after tunnel..then slope and turn horseshoe turn through sandbank then jump the jump and half-bridge u must make otherwise u re-do horseshoe turn the huge BACKFLIP jump up the steep sand dune back down the sand dune for turn b4 the PIT the ramp to the PIT OF DOOM jumping over PIT OF DOOM, then final banked dune turn and final jump to finish line overview of track YouTube - Halo 3 Sandbox Racetrack: PIT OF DOOM DOWNLOAD PIT OF DOOM
you say not having merging does not affect gameplay. your very wrong there. not only will it look neater, itll also be smoother for the mongoose to race on. also more people will dl it if it looks good. and idk if thats a backflip really, but ill give it to ya XD anyways, looks good, deffinately different from the usual racetrack for not being in the bubble. as i stated, would ride smoother if merged, but thats your choice. none the less, still looks fun. youve got my dl, and a 3/5.
No, you totally misinterpreted what I said. Of course merging affects gameplay. IF what you are merging is the floor of the track that you drive on. But in the case of this track, it is only WALLS, not the floor, so there is no point in interlocking. the mongoose will not run smoother with interlocked walls. LOL, still runs the exact same. It will make absolutely no difference in the gameplay of this map. That is what I meant by only merging if I needed to. And it is a backflip, watch the youtube video if you dont believe me. Well I guess if u wanna get technical, lap 1 is a barrel roll and lap 2 at 1:45 is a backflip. haha
ok i don't care about what they say. i like the map its not the smoothest buy its still neatly forged and its diffrent also its not in the skybubble so u'll get a dl from me good job and good choice of song i love that song
wow, i really like this race track, because its on the floor rather than in the bubble theres no fear of death if you make a mistake, unleas you drive into one of those kill balls XD. The mancannon jump looks ace, i watched the vid, backfliping your way up the sand dune. I definatly dl this =]
Thanks for not making it on skybubble. For your irst racetrack, i would consider it good. I mean, not all the pros have to get credit, with thier big jumps and thier interlocking, but you did it easy and good. I actually like it for a begineer race track =D 3.5/5