Gravball Created by Ppr 8 Kut [br] Supported Gametypes: Gravball ONLY - [br] Map Description Gravball was originally thought up and made by me (but thanks to my friends for helping me test it out). I saw the soccer ball in forge, and immediately wanted to find a way to have a soccer game that keeps score. This overall took me about 4 days. Notes: -This uses the VIP game type to keep score, which also means 1 player will not get to take part in the round, although... -There are 3 rounds per game, so you'll get to play at least 1 round, most likely 2 or all 3. -Each goal is a score, and ends the round. -There's a small chance that it wont score, in which case the ball will reset after a while. Meanwhile you can just get your kill count up You: I want proof it works before I download it! Me: Alright. The soccer ball goes up a man cannon and knocks around some fusion coils, killing the opposite teams VIP. You can't go up there, because you'd have to go through the teleporters, which put you back in the middle of the arena. The soccer ball can go through them though. Please rate it if you download! And comment to [br] [br] Download Map Download Game Variant [br]
Re: The Newest Halo-Sport... GRAVBALL! (a score-keeping soccer map) finnally someone finds a way around the honour rule i've been waiting for this for a long time, but it must get boring as the VIP. and i'll say ir so NO ONE else has to please post pics. it has been said, so anyone else who does it is spamming.
This isn't the first map to get rid of the honor rules for soccer, the FIFA stadium maps did it, while also managing to make it be fun to be VIP. I want to give your map a good review, but I'm out of custom content space, I'm sure your map is good , but soccer maps are the most unoriginal minigame on FH. Sorry I wasn't more positive. Best of luck with your map
I can't link you, because I'm on an iPod touch and cant copy and paste the link, but I can tell you that it is bear the bottom of page three its called FIFA stadium 3. There is another soccer map on the page but thats not the right one
These maps: Fifa Stadium 3 HRF Soccer are a couple that have gotten around honor rules. I am not advertising my map (I didn't make either of these) just responding to his request so please don't flame me.
So it looks like yours uses the same system as mine... how does everyone whose not a VIP get out from up there?
Well damn, yours is way better. My map, although, has a few things you should fix on yours: -Instead of corners, just have a gradual curve from the goal to the middle walls -If you go through the teleporters, have them drop down into the middle of the field. No one wants to sit out the whole game. -Get rid of the stands and add some walls, the soccer ball got out a few times. -Use some large shield doors on the side to make the game more fast pace. (When the soccerball hits one, it bounces off with a pretty big jolt) I hope you take those suggestions and make the perfect soccer map.
PICS! And The VIP is gonna get very bored. THink about it some people get really bored when they're camping voluntarily for like twenty seconds imagine how frustrated the vip would get. Watching everyone else play and have fun then to die. Its a decent idea, I thought of it ages ago and realisd that it wouldnt work.