This was my first ever Picture Party MEANT to find pictures thing, so, yeah, watch out. Here Orange Shimmer 3 Dimensions Charge Arrival Shadow Look at this picture from a higher standpoint. Team Up Snipedown Lighten Mark V Toxic Rip Heres the link to my fileshare to download any of them. : Halo 3 File Share
3 Dimensions would have to be the only decent Screenshot. The others have overused effects, and aren't as original. Good job.
Thanks for the 3 Dimensions, but I dont understand what you mean by unoriginal. If you consider EVERY screenshot in the Halo world while looking at the current screenshot, more than likely, youll believe its unoriginal. But I dont understand how Shimmer and Here are unoriginal to you, along with many of the rest.
Yea I agree 3-dimensions is probably the best one because most of them are way too bright and hurts your eyes.
Charge is amazing, just woaw... The other ones are unoriginal... But what is the map for Charge? is it Avalanche, the rooms where there is the rockets
Thanks for the complement, but are Here, Shimmer, and 3 Dimensions reallyunoriginal? And yes, the map is Avalanche. But outside the map in the Rock Room.
yea araival and charge are the best and ould you put spaces inbetween the sceens, i had a little troubl figering out wich 1s are named what
arrival reminds me of dragoballZ (if you cant figure out why,you fail.) the only other decent shot is three dimmentions.