Treequest v3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Meltyourtv, Jun 14, 2009.

  1. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    Treequest v3

    Map Download Link: : Halo 3 File Details
    Conquest Download Link: : Halo 3 File Details

    Treequest v4 is my very first conquest map. It takes place in Guardians Lower Hallway, and goes from the sniper base to the shotgun curve. It has a total of 7 territories.

    Before I tell you much about the map, I just have to say that Sweet Sauce helped me SO much on this map, by blocking off areas that I failed at, and for that I thank him. Basically, you can call this a collaboration ;).

    Also, I never posted a v1, or v2, so you didn't miss anything.

    Version details:
    v1: First version.
    v2: Fixes areas you can get out of, blocks off hiding places. Fixes jump from between bottom gold and bottom mid to blue spawn. Fixes weapons, spawn direction, and nades.
    v3: Blocks ghost from bottom gold to top gold. Blocks Lift jump from bottom mid to top mid (through the lift on camo side). Thanks to x BR iz Cold x for pointing these out to me.

    Weapons list from memory (same on each side):
    2 Beam Rifles - 120 seconds
    4 Plasma Rifles - 60 seconds
    2 Carbines - 1 extra clip - 90 seconds
    2 Plasma Grenades - 30 seconds

    Description with pictures.

    This is the starting red spawn area. You have a choice to 1, drop down to capture territory 3 (or 5, depending on round), or going to the weapon area. Beam Rifle and PRs spawn leaned against ledges to the right.

    Red Beam Rifle spawn.

    Red Plasma Rifle spawn.

    This is the starting blue spawn area. They do not have a choice of where to go. Beam Rifle spawns leaned against wall going to corner doorways.

    Looking down hallway from red side. Carbine spawns leaned against single crates. You cannot see it because of the barrel. (Win angle is win?)

    Gold Room. Reciever node is there for the sender in the lift. Going up the lift will spit you either out of the reciever, or out of a two way node on top of top gold entrance. Basically, trying to get out and going through the two way will send you to the reciever, and sender sends you to two way node, or reciever. PRs spawn leaned against the wall with the tree growing in it.

    Middle Blocked off areas.

    Here are a few action shots for you.


    That's really it.
    Things not included in pictures: V3 blocked off areas, blue PR spawn.

    Incase you missed them,
    Map: : Halo 3 File Details
    Gametype: : Halo 3 File Details

    Thanks for viewing,
    Treequest v3
    #1 Meltyourtv, Jun 14, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2009
  2. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Since this is on Guardian, you should've put the gametype as "Heavy Conquest." Its just like Conquest, except the gravity is very high, so you can't break out of most maps. You might want to use that instead.

    Either way, good job on posting correctly. The only thing that irks me is that its assymetric, and it looks as if red has a better base.
  3. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    I'd rather stick to the standard gametype, and the heavyness might disrupt gameplay. As for Red Base, each round the bases switch, so it's fair either way.

    Senior Member

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    hmm i think thats nothing very special.
    but it looks like you got some good ideas on your map.
    maybe you could fload the flag point and put it unter the class floor i think then it would looks a little bit cleaner.
  5. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    Hey, tv, you finally posted this. (P.S. thanks for putting me in this! I am teh blue guy with katana.) This a very good and innovative conquest map. super props for having it on guardian and being inescapable (I think). The gameplay is very fun, especially since Guardian is one of my all time favorite maps.

    I like that you used the bottom of Guardian for this, not just because naturally it would be the ideal place to put a conquest map on guardian, but it's a very balanced and good place for it actually. It's layout practically folds into this.The lines of sight are impressive, the long tunnel naturally has less cover, while bases have more. The cover is relatively good for not having immovable objects. I do have an issue with a teleporter I must experiment with and get back to you about it. Although noobs of Conquest tend to camp in places, grenades and snipers can flush them out.

    Very nice job. I have downloaded both and criticized. Will help when I can on XBL. I give it a 9.7/10 or a 97/100. there might be issues liek spawn killing, campign, and escaping that I haven't found and am still looking for, but none that I know of. Congrats. Keep forgin'!

    #5 PRS, Jun 14, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2009
  6. jday1235

    jday1235 Ancient
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    im just saying this from looking at the pictures but i think that there may be one way of getting out of red base with a combination of team jumping, standing on a box, grenade jumping, and luck but i might test it
  7. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    looks pretty legit. its nice to see a pre-dlc map once and a while, because they really bring out the creativity of the forger (you have creativity! *thumbs up* ).
    one thing that i did notice was that the blue spawn can be shot from the center hallway, which would make it hard for the blue team to push back once they get in a corner. i think some cover, such as a few turret cases, would fix it.
  8. WhyHelloThere

    WhyHelloThere Ancient
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    It's good that you made this map on Guardian, but I think that it could still be escapable. And where do you go when you go in a teleporter?

    The bases don't look very fair. The blue team's base is way smaller than the red's team and they could easily be spawn camped
  9. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    One thing you should note about this version of Conquest is that when you spawn, you are invincable for 5 seconds, preventing spawn killing. If you try and spawn kill, you will be killed.

    1. Blue Base's teleporters in the doorways, lead to death teleporters. While Red's lead you back to the reciever where you first spawn.

    2. Think about it, Blue has a direct path they can take to get weapons, while Red doesn't. So Red Base > Blue Base is untrue. It's really Red Base = Blue base, in most aspects. Being it assymetrical, they have their advantages and disadvantages.

    I'm sorry if I bumped this too much, I just wanted to answer questions.
  10. omgmlg

    omgmlg Ancient
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    This looks very promising, and as i am a massive fan of guardian myself, this appeals to me and the concept is very good, I have dl'd and will comment on the gameplay in due course. Well done for now!

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