Pokemon Stories! Everyone has one.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Lone Deity, Jun 15, 2009.

  1. Lone Deity

    Lone Deity Ancient
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    Yay. A place to post your favorite pokemon story. Remember picking Charmander and having to face a rock gym leader? Remember how you took on the Elite Four, and Gary was the final person? Stuff like that.

    (Note: From the perspective from about a third grader I think) I remember two of my lowest moments in gaming. I was playing for about 3 hours on a car ride. My battery light was red. I disregarded it, and continued playing. I beat a gym leader and was moving on. The screen shut off. I forgot to save. I stared at the screen in disbelief for about 3 minutes.

    Another was facing the Elite Four in Crystal. I was on the third or fourth guy when I ran out of full restores. He killed my final pokemon, and a cried. I actually cried.

    Post yours. Now. Please.
  2. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    I was in the final four and playing in bed (my mom thought I was asleep of course), and I just fell asleep somehow. Wake up and the controller's still in my hands but I'd been pressing random buttons asleep and lost D:

    Oh, and when I was about to beat Silver and my sister dropped my gameboy in the toilet...that was bad.
  3. Lone Deity

    Lone Deity Ancient
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    Silver is the second best game. Crystal still takes the cake. Could you get your gameboy back?
  4. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Didn't work anymore D:

    I used a special Pikachu Edition Gameboy Color, and then a Gameboy Pocket when it broke.
  5. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    My little brother's friend came over and jammed pokemon silver backwards into my gameboy. I never got it out. :(
  6. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    I spent a few days asking my friends whether it was morally wrong to inbreed Pokémon.

    My favourite answer "No, there's no harm in wanting to be the best. Only in Pokémon is it okay to be cruel to animals if it wins you become the best."

    So the female Larvitar ended up mating with her male Larvitar son. And the irony? The IV's (aka Pokémon genetic's) were perfect. Which pretty much equates to perfect Pokémon genetics.

    But I have many more memories. Crit-ing Moltres until it used endure so it had one hp left, and then catching it in a great ball. Science lessons spent theorising exactly how a Pokémon MMORPG would work (It's a lot like WoW, but everyone is a Hunter). Level 802 Goldbat's from the Missing no glitch. Winding myself in a real life Pokémon duel for honour. Wandering through Viridian forest to find that Pikachu so Misty will be easier and the inevitable "I had so much progress, but I forgot to save".

    But I don't have a GB, GBA or DS anymore.
  7. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    Happiest: I got a shiny dragnite,ALMOST had a complete pokedex,

    saddest:lost pokemon diamond,earned three badges in one day and it wouldnt save,

    I got millions,those are just examples.
  8. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    I just got a Purple Gameboy for my birthday and I wanted to get Pokemon because I already was trading cards before then. I told my mother I wanted Pokemon Silver/Gold and I even wrote it down for her. She came home with Pokemon Pinball. Fail.

    I was in class playing my Gameboy under my desk. I forget what version, but I just used a flute or something to wake up Snorlax and I wanted to catch him and all I had was ultra balls. So in order for me to catch him he needed to have low health, then the bell rang for lunch. I couldn't bring it so I left it in my desk, still turned on, when I come back my batteries were dead.

    I remember I just beat Silver and I leveled all my Pokemon to level 100, I felt so accomplished and basically the bad ass out of all my friends. Then my mother bought me a Gameshark and I found the rare candy cheat, I never touch the game again, all that time wasted.
  9. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    Beating the Elite 4 and getting to the very last guy master or whatever and all my pokemon move points or whater lets you attack ran out an beating the guy using "struggle" in ruby version for the first time.
  10. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Well, when I was really little I played Pokemon all the damn time, Silver was my personal favorite. Well, I went to the doctors one day, so of course I brought my Gameboy with Silver in it. As I waited to get my blood drawn, as I got my blood drawn, as I drove home, as I waited for dinner, after I ate dinner, I played. Why? Because I was on a mission to catch Lugia. I did, with a normal pokeball, and I felt awesome. Battery died with no saves. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck. To make matters worse, for one reason or another the game somehow registered that I already fought Lugia when I loaded it up again, so it was gone... forever. At least I had my Ho-Oh....
  11. Lord Terrax XII

    Lord Terrax XII Ancient
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    I went to a toys r us thing for getting Mew for my sapphire and I was soooo happy. I played for 18 hours straight and my Mew went from level 10 to level 78. EXP. SHARE + Elite 4 = Win.

    Oh and Mew is still my favorite pokemon. It earned that title about 3 seconds into the Mew vs. Mewtwo fight scene in pokemon the first movie.
  12. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    I had 6 level 100 Pokemon. 2 Mews, 2 Mewtwos, and 2 Alakazams. Gameshark ftw! That was on Blue version a long time ago though.
  13. Duckyz

    Duckyz Ancient
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    crystal (ithink it was anyway):
    the little glitch to make as many of one pokemon as you like
    anyway i make an army of the legendary/rare/stronge pokemon and sold them to my stupid freinds for money realy

    ahhh good times
  14. Chronic Fate

    Chronic Fate Ancient
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    When I completed my Pokedex in Crystal
  15. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    I heard about someone liking Mudkipz, so I had to see for myself as to why he liked it.

    I started playing some version, and discovered that Mudkip is a starting Pokemon. Best day of my life.

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