This is some gameplay from me, s3anz2, on some random account i made when mine got suspended. I basically wanted to see the youtube quality i get. I am using Pinnacle movie-box plus with the standard capture card that comes in the box. Does this look good to you? OR should i tweak the settings for better quality? You tell me. (This video is not intended to show skill, just showing quality so please no spamming with BK, or SCRUB or whatever) YouTube - MLGgameplayTest
Haha not bad gameplay. You pushed a little to much. The quality seemed good. I am wondering how you get it beter because mine blows. Any ideas. I use pinnacle software right now...i know it sucks.
Yeah the quality of that seemed fine to me, definitely watchable for gameplay purposes. And the gameplay itself was pretty good too, entertaining to watch. Good, patient control of the other team's base and a good roam around the map yielded a nice killing spree. What sensitivity do you play on?
Was some nice gameplay, I think you just kept pushing, maybe a little bit too much. Your br is nice, especially from long range, but I think you could use a little work with short. Strange, you play oddly like me.
Well, I capture with the settings on "MPEG-1/2" and "High Quality (dvd)" , Then i edit whatever i want, and when i finish the clip, i save it as a "Windows Media" file and put the settings to "High Quality Upload NTSC." I have pinnacle studio plus 11. EDIT: Oh and to Pegasi Delta, i play on 5 sensitivity. Or occasionally on 4.