Sorry but I don't have any pics of the map and I'm still working on it. It's on Orbital and the name is Orbiquest..... XD corny I know, but I like it haha. Anyway, like I said, this is going to be my first conquest map and I've never played conquest before so I don't know what people are looking for in a conquest map except that it's narrow and linear. It's going to be asymmectric but equal (same weapon spawns, same amount of cover, ect...). I also made (I don't want to call them armories) weapon safes using the button operated doors in the map. Each one will hold a sniper and a few dual weapons. Well thanks for reading and hopefully I will get this posted soon. Please, if you have any advice or opinions comment here because I want this map to live up to its full potential.
you should post some pics... conquest maps have to be symmetrical but i think there could be a tiny exception make sure all of your territories are touching though!
they don't necessarily need to be symetrical, because there are ones made on Orbital, Guardian, Epitaph, just try to have a good theme, gameplay to where nobody spawns i n other bases
wait wait, hold the phone. There is button operated doors in orbital??! Oh please elaborate. I haven't checked out Orbital in forge but now I might.
yeah, they're like the one on high ground, once they are opened, they stay open. click on the link that iiHectic gave you, its for the book of conquest. it had everything you need in there.
Thank you for clearing that up haha. And thank you iiHectic and Benji, I already looked in the book of conquest (to find which weapons to use and such) and it was very helpful.