i was flipping through all the items for forge, and i noticed i REALLY wanted one thing, a custom shaped block, before anyone says "that's impossible!!!" just hear me out, bungie proved that they can do this by the king of the hill marker, you just need to flip on the "tangible to players" switch and add on a generic skin for each level, tada, instant problem solver, infact it doesn't violate any rules of forge, limited # check just give us 8 we can use other items for the rest, total items used check we IMPROVE the system rates by having less items the game deals with, and finaly 640 objects, no problem, with 8 custom blocks ALONE most big maps knock out the really item intense stuff (ie floor for part of skybox anyone?). As for the skin, yes it WOULD get stretched out a little thats why they should make it really basic,the current code just stretches out, so there shouldn't be any difference. All in all it seems like an update about as easy as the transport hornet on avalanche and it could revolutionize some maps. thanks for listening to my rant, comments anyone? Because if we don't tell bungie we lose a lot of potenial.
Forge Objects are in the maps coding. They don't edit maps once they're published. You'll be waiting a long time before another map pack comes out. (After the second Mythic Map Pack installment)
then wouldn't it be possible to replace a current item with a new one? ie: the transport hornet replacing the regular hornet on avalanche
they only edit a map when there is a large outcry (in my example, the regular hornet being overpowered), so will anyone help me in promoting the need for this? if we gain this one piece then we gain worlds of new possibilities, besides its not like it would take to much WORK on bungie's part, much less then a day to code, and no more then a day or two bug testing.
then my previous argument is unusable, will anyone join me in supporting custom shaped items for the release of mythic map pack part 2?
Its a great idea but Bungie doesn't listen to ANY advice or Suggestions coming from ANYone outside of the studio. No matter how good of an idea it is. They're like that. I don't know why....
one word, size, ever try building a large building in skybox? say 8*8 squares +, good, then add in more levels to the game, suddenly if you want to keep your concept, you are forced to make MAJOR concessions in detail, all of it easily canceled by one little update.