Really great map Dream I loved it when we played this.A quick suggestion is the mongoose is overused with some crazy folk (me) and you can have more balls (lol) on the map which makes for extra chaos.I love the forging,gameplay,and the idea and the return system are rock solid man.Overall the map is a fun map to play on.
Pure Brilliance Dream, this shows why you're the Admin of FB. I've always dreamed of doing something like this on Avalanche, but could never perfect it, somehow you've managed to. Props, I really can't suggest anything to be improved, all seems nice by gameplay and by aesthetics. And yes, it's me, MultiLockOn.
Looks amazing Dream. Looks like a great little mini game to play with friends. The fact that you came up with something totally unique and something greatly forged makes me want to download this so much. Great job.
Good job. -simple,fun -looks very clean, I love the overall look and design of this map -great idea although not original Looks like the End all Be all for bowling maps, Awesome job dude
hmmmmm, a map in which you have to dodge prehistoric bowling/golfballs being thrown at you by sophisiticated interlocked man cannons...... Nice idea although even with mancannons it doesn't seem like a golfball could kill you. But hell, i'll download
Haha, thanks.. I guess you will have to DL and see if the rolling stones kill you! Keep the comments coming guys! I want to know if I should fix anything.
Downloading, but did you make a way for the golfballs to get back up? If not, it would be awesome if you did that.
holy sh*t dream. this is probly, no joke, the best minigame ive ever seen! ive always wanted to make a bowling map but never had the patience lol. but dude, this is amazing. dl and 6/5.
I don't think the teleporters should send players into a killball, since these kind of deaths do not count as a suicide. With that said, the teleporters could easily be used to escape from tight situations, and offer a few seconds of invicibility from the bowlers. If the pins spawn relatively near the teleporters, they would take advantage of the killballs and give the bowlers essentially no opportunity to infect them AT ALL.
That is a good point, but personally i think the teleporters should just send them backwards a bit so that they are still there, but can't escape. This is a truly amazing idea. I never even heard of bowling maps, and I would have never thought of the ball coming back up to the top (or maybe I would...idk now), but it is flawless in it's clean-ness. I'm surprised those walls stayed that way after you saved and quit.
Please play the map before you spam the thread and one more suggestion to the map...Try to mix up the effects like gloomy and maybe some old time in there.
Very original. Has to be a fun game to play with friends. I've played the original Foundry Bowling game. It's got to be even better with Substitute Bowling Pins.
I decided to download this, I got a game going and everyone loved it! I personally thought it was great. The problem is that it was way to easy for 'me' to stay alive everyone died and I just kept avoiding them no problem. Honestly, it was so easy I got bored and quit half way through the next round. It was fun but too easy. 4/5
Yeah, I realized after I already posted that it was too easy to survive. I will add more golf balls and make the man cannons better. I will repost it soon. I took the old link down. I will try to make it better.
I liked being a human when I played this. It was rather easy to doge the golf balls, especially when I used the teleporters as escape routes... except when the flair was thrown. In those instances, it was just dumb luck that I lived... until I was infected. When I was a zombie, I didn't really have anything to do. I tried to escape the map by using a ball to jump onto the ledge of the retrieval tube and jump on another ball perched on the ledge over the teleporter into the tube itself. Needless to say, it didn't work. I hated it when the alpha flamethrowered me constantly though and wouldn't stop until I quit (too bad I did, considering the considerable amount of fun I had). I really don't think that having humans become zombies is necessary. They just serve as more of a distraction from the boredom of running out of lives more than an actual gameplay mechanic, which I perfectly understand. To make the game more difficult for humans, you could try giving the regular zombies (and also the alpha) more ways to go about hitting the humans. The humans already have deployable covers, but what if you gave the zombies deployable covers as well? They could do surprise attacks every however long you make them spawn by throwing them into the man cannons. Maybe more mongooses; they are always fun. A trip mine or two would also spice up gameplay. I'm not sure if the mancannons make them move so fast that they explode upon impact with the back wall, but they could create dangerous situations in which the humans have the crouch to dodge the trip mines, adding even more variety to the game, as well as more things for the regular zombies to do, giving them more of a purpose in the game itself. I hope some the these suggestions help you remedy the problems with your minigame and get implemented in the final design.
Facebook? =P Anyways. I will DEFINITELY be downing this tonight. I remember an old Foundry bowling map i had before the sandy box, and the return system was EXACTLY like this =) The idea is a VERY good take on Most 'Dodge em and don't get hit' maps.
This map is exquisite. Do the golf balls go back up through that tube on the side? like have man cannons along a tunnel leading back to you to get your pre used golf balls back. I also like the whole idea of a bowling alley. Very original!
This is very unique. I like zombie games where you have to dodge. And the ball return makes it even better. Download coming up. Which are which? Are the zombies or humans pushing the golf balls...I should be the humans.