Not efficiently, I have researched into this a bit. First of all let me say that if you delete all the scenary objects in the OLN Canvas you will hit the budget before you hit the object limit. So it is probably not nesscary to use the default scenary but I would reccomend using the respawns and weapons. The only way I know to interlock default objects is hard to explain, but I'll try. If you want to interlock a default object (lets name it A) with another object (lets name it B) then you need to do this. Put A into it's interlock spot then save. Start game again and move A somewhere else. Then move B to where A was at the beginning of this game. Then go over to A and set it to respawn at start = no. Now start a new round. For some odd reason A will go back to it's original point from where you last saved. interlocking with whatever object is in that place, in this case, B.
thank you for the tip so use respwans and weapons but can i use forgotton wings budget glitch without the weapons but just the respawns
Most of that isn't true. People have hit the object limit before hitting the budget before, and if you're using a budget glitched canvas you can not get nearly the same number of items without using the original objects. I used all the original objects in my map here's what you need to know. 1) When you set an original piece to not spawn at start, at the start of a new round you will see a 'ghost' of the old piece. It will take ~30 seconds for this piece to despawn after the start of the round. More if you're looking at it or in the general area. Also if you're despawning a lot of objects (especially original objects) it can take up to a minute for everything to despawn. 2) When you set an original piece to not spawn at start and then you move it, at the start of the next round it will appear to be back at it's original position, and it will also appear there when it respawns after the timer. This is fixed by either saving and quitting or setting the piece to spawn at start and starting a new round. You will then see it in it's correct position. However, Saving and quiting is the only way to get it to show up in it's new position when set to not spawn at start. 3) There are some claims that the original pieces are bigger, but I haven't found that to be true. Just something to be aware of because I can't confirm/deny it. Try to not use original/unoriginal piece floor transitions. Here's my tips: -Avoid using original pieces at the start, once you set the new piece where you want it and are satisfied you're done interlocking it, replace it with an original piece - Set a new light orb or something to not spawn until 30 seconds near the spawns, just wait till it appears then start forging. -Don't set too many to not spawn at once or else you're in for a wait -Try to avoid hitting the (budget glitched) object limit, can cause issues on split screen