Hey Guys today i decided to post Our newest clan creation, this is about my fourth map posted here, although i make alot of maps i dont post them that much well any ways the idea behind this was from my first third map created in my halo 3 career, me and Nober555 decided to create a great game that consisted of throwing crap at people who stood at the side of a wall trying to survive as much as they can without getting pummled by objects, basically... Dodgeball, ya'know the game were you throw red hard gym balls at people to conflict pain on them while they stand against a wall? oh yeah... i guess you guys will just have to see for your selfs. :::SFS Chaos CoilZ::: Okay First Ill Be Starting With The Zombie Details And Spawn Points. Zombie Objectives: 1. throw crap as fast as you can at the poor little noobs that stand against that small space that they get.. 2. scare them with the crap you throw at them. 3. dont cheat as in dont shoot them with the ghosts or choppers (this will be put in the additional honor rules at the end of the topic) Okay first i'll be starting with the Zombie Spawn Now For the Teleporter.. To gain access through it just simply Crouch than jump through, or jump through (We did this on pourpose) as you can see there are four fusion coils, 2 ghosts for the four blocks and 2 choppers. Simply Get into the ghost and push the Blocks Of Impending Doom into the Man cannons Thus Launching them into the humans. You get two choppers these are for Kamakazis only, but no shooting is the rule. (also humans can insta kill them so this is a very risky move) Now thats pretty simple for the zombies eh? also they have equipment if i didnt mention. Now For The human Objectives (or the humans) Human Objectives: 1. Dodge The freak'n Blocks 2. Dodge The freak'n Coils 3. Dodge The freak'n Equipment (ESPECIALLY NADES AND TRIPMINES!) 4. sucessfully survive 180 seconds and than access teleporter, than go straight to the sniper rifle (its impossible to cheat we've tested for 2 hours since it was fun, and its uncheatable to kill the zombie early) And Thats About it for rules other than the honor rules which I will discuss later. This Is The Human Spawn, Again Uncheatable To kill the zombie Early by getting into the teleporter. Once you wait 180 seconds, Just Walk Up This Bridge / Hibrid Stairs into the teleporter (every thing spawns at the same time no so no cheating will occur This Is The Bridge, Sheild Doors Incase If that Nasty Hobo Throwing Eplosives and Cheating.. Once You Reach The Sniper Simply Take Out The Zombie And Laugh At Him / Her Now For The Honor Rules (must read) 1. Zombies May not commit suicide either when the human reaches the sniper, or just because your a lazy person, or.. you cant take that the human acctually out dodged them and sniped you. 2. humans may not run right into the tripmines or coils to get they're teammates killed for fun, thats just lame and stupid. 3. zombies may not shoot at the humans, they can shoot the fusion coils if they get stuck but thats all. 4. zombies may not camp in the room that they start in, thats just really boring and all your guests are going to leave. 5. just have fun, this has got to give you a good laugh, remember have fun game type and map will be posted below. ::Made By The SadFaes Forgeteam:: Gametype ---> Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details map ----> Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
There's been loads of maps like this, but this one seems different, also what is stopping the zombie from jumping in the man cannon and going over to the humans and killing them all?
i think this one actually has an original idea but you can stop zombies from sitting in the spawn by using killballs there.
im not even kidding i created this perfectly, the zombie cant reach the humans because when he trys he just flys off the edge because he cant reach far enough. also hyabusa, if i did that they couldnt go back inside and get more equipment