Download Link (Again at bottom) Download pulse here Pulse is a competitive map, capable of being played with almost all gametypes. This map is on the main level of Sandbox, forged with almost all of the "Forging 101" techniques, and made in about 7-8 hours. I started with a basic outline for my map, and added in 2 bases, some walk ways, outside paths, and other fun things. There are many small bunkers, a geo-merged pathway to a sniper tower, and other things too. This map is best played with 3 vs 3, but can go up to 5vs5 or higher. This map is mainly interlocked, with many geo-merging feature's into the ground floor, and dunes. The gametype's that I made this map for, and what it works well with are as follow:Slayer, Team slayer, Capture the flag, Territories, Oddball, and King of the hill. I like to believe that the defender's should actually have to try to defend, and hold thier bases and positions. This is why I made them have a smaller, more unprotected base, compared to the attacker's. You can see this by scrolling down, and looking at the screenshot's. Weapons/equipment list Sniper x1 - 120 Second respawn, 2 clips Battle rifle x5 - 45 Second respawn, 1 clip Carbine x2 - 60 Second respawn, 1 clip Needler x2 - 90 Second respawn, 2 clips Rocket launcher x1 - 180 Second respawn, 0 clips Mauler x2 - 120 Second respawn, 0 clips Brute shot x1 - 150 Second respawn, 1 clip Overshield x1 - 180 Second respawn Active camoflauge x1 - 150 Second respawn Plasma gernade x6 - 45 Second respawn Screenshot Index 1)Defender's base (2 Battle rifle spawns, 2 plasma gernades) 2)Sniper tower overview (Defender's side) 3)Sniper tower inside view (1 Sniper rifle spawn) 4)Outside geo-merged path way leading to attacker's base 5)Overview of outside path's leading to defender's base (Jumping stairs) 6)Attacker's base (2 Battle rifle spawns, 2 plasma gernades) 7)Attacker's carbine outpost (1 Carbine spawn, 1 plasma gernade) 8)Attacker's active camoflauge spawn (150 second respawn) 9)Defender's/Attacker's overshield tunnel (Inside view) 10)Defender's/Attcker's overshield tunnel (Outside view) 11)Inner walkway (Formed by wall's interlocked together) 12)Inner stone bridge and rocket spawn 13)Another inner walkway (Formed once again by walls) 14)Geo-merged bunker (Outside view) 15)Geo-merged bunker (Inside view)(No you can't fall down to the crypt) 16)Overview from Attacker's base 17)Overview from Defender's base 18)Overview from the "Sky bubble" Screenshot's Download link (Below) Pulse
This is so simplistic but its a great layout and i C the amount of effort you put in it. I love it 5/5 id suggest put a warthog in it if u can theres alot of open space so i vehicle wouldnt be bad.
It has a very unique layout and I love the structures, but it just looks to open in the middle, even if you have vehicles. And the bridges have absolutely no cover. Just something to think about in a V2. Add a ghost or a chopper, a warthog might be to powerful on a map like this, and this would make a great one bomb/flag map.
very, very nice layout. i see that you got some very creative ideas. what i really like is that you interlock almost all your objects and geo-merge some of them. Overall very nice job 4.75/5
Yup, I tried to test it with vehicles before, everyone just gather's in them, and constantly uses them. The bridge doesn't have much cover, but with all the outer paths, and other path's, you can get across easy, and there is alot of cover in other spot's, even if it doesn't look like it. Escaping is easy, and personally I thought of removing some of the stuff.
The looks pretty interesting.... very interesting layout I might add.... I know what you mean about the vehicles everyone wants to always use them, they work well on certain maps but some like this i'm betting it is funner if you don't have them and you have to have a firefight instead of a vehicle fight... you could add warthogs though that spawn every 3 minutes or that only spawn at the beginning and never spawn again or something like that.... Looks interesting though i'll forge though it and mabey get a game on it sometime to get back to you =P
Warthog's with a never respawning time.. That's just going to make noobs be all like OMGZ GAIS WHERE IS TEH UB3R L33T H@X04R WARTHAG? I would like to try to put a warthog or two in, however the map is almost completley even at the moment, and warthog's driving around in it isn't something I want to throw it off with.
I remember testing this map about a week ago, it was alot of fun. The walkway's were smooth, and there was enough cover. It was played best with 1 flag CTF, and other objective games. The middle is still a bit open, but it seemed fine.. Qued for download
Indeed, one flag was probably the smoothest game type, with some rounds lasting the whole time. By the way everyone, action picture's are going up sometime today..
So you actually posted it, did you? Well, it is better than plenty of stuff on here, so good job. But the merged block still looks as crooked as when I was watching you forge (see the pic!!), and the corner wall walkways still look pretty bumpy. By the way, are those pistols I spawned still in that tube thing, or did you delete those?
You really have to point out that block? xD Lol.. No the pistol's and the mongeese still aren't in there.. Maybe the whole map is crooked, not the block?
Nice map crackah. Nice geomerging, haven't seen much of that on Sandbox. Someparts are kind of confusing like the red column "cover area". The sniper spawn is pretty cool, and the obelisk staircase heading into the main area is unique. 4/5
This map looks very smooth and it has alot of nice structures to add to the geometry of sandbox. I like the asymmetric set up and all the smooth curves, they seem to make this map flow very well. Like some of the others said, the middle seems just a little open, and the only thing I would suggest is to move the rockets to the bridge. I say this because it looks like a vulnerable position, but you are rewarded by getting a powerful weapon. But all this is based on just looking at the pictures, I will dl and get the full experience.
I may in a version 2.0, but as for now, I think the rocket's will stay there, as they are placed in the exact middle of the map, where the bridge does not go... Moving them would probably off-set gameplay, even if it is harder to get them.
Though this map looks spontaneous and akward it is very deligent with geomerging and fusing. I really admire the neatness of the hexagonal building with the brute shot. This is probably in my top 10 of most interesting sandbox maps as far as design goes.
Correction.. It's not the brute shot, it's the sniper.. Also, I'm planning to add another one at the other side in version 2.0
This looks like a suprisingly unique map. I'm impressed, despite the apparent simplicity. Only things I could suggest would be either a mongoose or a ghost on a map of this size. D/L.
After a quick run through, I can say while your geomerging is very nice, there are a couple of objects that could have been interlocked to look smoother. I quite like the open-ness of the map, it is a refreshing change. Can I ask what the kill ball is for? haha