Jesus christ got enough Battle Rifles?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Bourbon, Jun 13, 2009.

  1. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    I thinks its more of a pride thing.

    They think the AR is for noobs because of its easiness to use
  2. The God of Grunge


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    Indeed, so they call it crap because they believe they are more "l33t" for not getting more kills but using "pro" weapons. I'd love to see how the minds of MLGtards work.
  3. Bourbon

    Bourbon Ancient
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    I love the AR too but the fact is it is very hard to compete when there are so many BRs all over the place. That is why it should be made more rare.
  4. AlexIsCoool

    AlexIsCoool Ancient
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    Just because of this I read your entire thick net of text.
    And you have a really, really good point. It kills all the other weapons and forces everyone to use BRs.

    I believe I know why people do this.
    So many players want the BR so forgers decide to put plenty of BRs in their map. But the truth is people don't have fun with BRs- they like them because they are good. This is what forgers need to learn; they are desired because they are good. Not because they are fun.
  5. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    You're my hero.

    I just want you to know that.
  6. The Violence Within

    Senior Member

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    I totally agree with you, do you see 16 needlers on any map? Needlers can be extremely powerful when used in the right hands, as can BRs, BRs are just used more frequently as it is a psychological thing. I believe the BR is the most imbalanced weapon in Halo 3, and should have some sort of downturn, for example, the rocket launcher has two shots and an incredibly long reload time compared to other weapons.

    The Battle Rifle has a fairly large clip, a low respawn time, a fast rate of fire, and can kill in 4 shots. The only downturn is you actually have to aim. I consider this a serious imbalance. The carbine is probably a better alternative to the BR, as it takes 7 shots to kill, yet is easier to aim and fires slightly faster than 4 BR bursts.

    I also think this is why Guardian is such a fun map to play on. There is one BR and one Carbine. And there is a rich diversity of weapons littered all over the map without being too cluttered.

    There's my little rant :)
  7. Bourbon

    Bourbon Ancient
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    I hate to bring up a Pokemon comparison but the recent Battle Rifle cluster**** reminded me of the early 2008 Diamond / Pearl Metagame on Smogon (think MLG pokemon basically). I used to frequent there before this kid I picked on got promoted to a mod and ruined my experience out of spite... :p

    There was this Pokemon called Garchomp. It was easily the strongest pokemon in the game. It was versatile and powerful, and could easily fit into any team. It got so overused that it was on over 65% of teams and there was over a 90% chance of seeing one if you were spectating a battle.

    They coined this term called "overcentralization." What Garchomp did was essentially make any other pokemon choices obsolete. Your team was built around protecting your Garchomp and defeating your opponents. The competitive scene was centralized around Garchomp, both using it offensively and attempting to defend against it. Because it made the game so bland and repetitive, it got banned from standard play.

    The way this relates to the Battle Rifle situation is obvious. Battle Rifles are everywhere on every map, sometimes as many as 16 on a single map. If you are not using a Battle Rifle, you are probably losing. This makes any other strategies not involving the use of a Battle Rifle competitively unviable, which in turn makes the game very repetitive and not nearly as fun. Halo has more than 15 weapons, yet almost none of them see any use thanks to the Battle Rifle.
  8. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
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    Compare Halo 2's BR to Halo 3's BR... In Halo 2 you had BxR, BxB (Nooobish...) Double, and Quad Shot. Also you didn't have to lead your shots, and there was scattering of shots over range. In Halo 3 the BR is way, way, way downgraded. You have to lead shots (Which also contributes to the fact of shots sometimes not registaring) No Glitches, and the shots scatter. So inturn the BR is more abondont on H3 maps, then it is on H2 maps.

    And again, I don't want Halo 3 to become an all around Rumble Pit of close ranged weapons, I want it to take skill. Thats why I play MLG, and not Team Slayer. Because in MLG you actually get to choose what you want to play, and retarted Bungie doesn't put in Maps like TUNDRA on Sandbox which is Forged horrible, and is just overall trash...In MLG, you start of with BR's, and if you choose, you can go for Powerweapons such as the Sniper, Muller, or Boom Booms. And like you said earlier
    This is not true in MLG. Because with everyone having a BR, it comes down to who has the better Aim. It takes 3 shots to the Body, and 1 to the head to kill someone. Or 5 shots to the body to kill someone. So if I get a 4 shot, and the opponent tries to go for a 5 shot, Ill win. Or if the opponent Ghandi hopps. it's more likely that It will take me 5 shots to kill him, no matter where I shot. And there are endless possiblies to what might have happened in the battle, so you go figure. My opponent might even have had a Muller in his back pocket meaning game over for me, or I might have gotten lucky, and ninja'd him.

    PS: If your Levels aren't high enough in Matchmaking for people to have finally realised that the BR is better then the AR, I feel bad for you...
    #28 BunN eeE, Jun 14, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2009
  9. HunTedMeat

    HunTedMeat Ancient
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    Wow, that actually makes sense, unlike most other rants that I've seen before. I have to agree that the BR has been main focus of almost all the competitive maps I've seen so far and that this image needs to be changed.

    Although I have to confess that I do like using the BR and sniper, I have to say that they are pretty much the most over-used weapons in the game. In fact, I just finished making a map and was going to post it when I stumbled across this thread and realized that I had too many BRs.(about 6 BRs and 6 carbines.) Yup, I have now seen the error of my ways. Or at least my error in actually asking my MLG obsessed friend to suggest the weapons for my map.

    Like thesilencebroken said,"You're my hero."
  10. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    Requesting name change. I am pretty sure Jesus never wielded a BR.
  11. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    You should read the Bible more.
  12. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    dude I had no-idea Jesus was an MLG-Pro noob pwnzor!!

    edit-wait, theres no pics in the bible....owned
    #32 Plan B, Jun 14, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2009
  13. Bourbon

    Bourbon Ancient
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    I like photoshops as much as anyone but it'd be cool if we could keep this more about weapon layouts and less about the son of god and his firearms of choice.
  14. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    The BR is not better than the AR, the BR is better at range than the AR, but the BR falls short in CQC.
    And, learn to use the spell checker
  15. Bourbon

    Bourbon Ancient
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    The range at which the AR becomes better than the BR is so pitiful, it's something like 5-7 meters. And if you're closer to the latter, you can backpedal with the BR and you can win.

    If you honestly aren't high enough skill to realize that the BR is better than the AR in 9/10 situations, then you need to start playing more Halo. The only thing the AR does better is beatdown kills... and the Mauler, SMG, Spiker, Plasma Rifle, Plasma Pistol, Shotgun, Sword and Hammer all do beatdown kills better than the AR does. So why would you ever use the AR when there is BRs all over the map?

    the AR is one of my best weapons but I would never walk over a BR and not swap it out. The BR is that much better of a weapon.
  16. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    no matter how close you are, the Br can still kill faster if there is 3 shots to the neck/chest and 1 to the head.
  17. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    I would never use the assault rifle at range when I have a BR, but when someone gets really close with a BR I'll change my BR for my AR and win. The point I was trying to make is that the BR is a better weapon but it doesn't best the AR at every situation.
  18. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    It's not the weapon, it's how you use it.

    For example, a noob with a rocket launcher vs a pro with dual smgs.
    The noob uses noobish tactics, and owns the pro.
    The noob then camps and owns the pro again and again.
    There is only 1 spawn location.
    The noob spawnkills the pro and kills him again and again.

    Noobish tactics make you win no matter the weapon.
  19. AlexIsCoool

    AlexIsCoool Ancient
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    Considering the amount of MLG maps. 90% sounds right. You found 5 that don't have bases. There are hundreds of poor quality MLG maps with bases.

    Then you put less rockets on the map.
    Seriously there are other weapons of equal quality then the BR. It doesn't always have to be a rocket.
    #39 AlexIsCoool, Jun 14, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2009
  20. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    He said 90% not 100%.
    There is a difference.

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