a few months ago, i came across a very interesting idea that would put the kill balls in for a good use other than to avoid on puzzle maps, and for scenery..... so to begin the reason behind all this, I would have to make a map for a simple game play....well truth is, there are already a few game types that would work perfect such as Swords, Fiesta, and Rockets. Hammers are ok but you might have that one chance of flying out of the boundries and its located in the crypt I give you, my version of "The Underworld" arena [/URL] as for the Kill Balls....how about making them look like lava? [/URL] This layout is very simple, and there are not one, but two floors that can be accessed! [/URL] the entrance to the bottom floor can be accessed behind your spawn. The primary reason for the bottom floor is to make a quick get-a-way only to make an appearance from out of nowhere to other players as you will come across a teleporter on the bottom that will send you falling from the ceiling back down in the heat of combat [/URL] The layout has been played on countless times by my friends and family, and they all have to agree that it takes competition to a new level, its not about complete owning, but to just have fun! hope you enjoy, and please send me feed back [/URL] <a href=Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details>download here</a>
hi just so you know the lava ideas isnt original people have used it before like me my last post before yours had it and a day ago i had another map with lava like that. but for the map it looks good ill have too try it out once i get space so for now it looks 3.5/5
can you give more of a discription about the layout of the map, it just seems to be a flat surface with killballs in the corner, it's a nice concept and looks like it would be good for ffa.