Now idk if you guys have been though this or not, or even if you know about it. But xboxlive is dangerous if you do the following what I'm about to tell you. 2 days ago i got sent a message that this web site hosted by gears of war 2 is giving out 1600 Microsoft points for free for a limited time only. Now with me being as stupid as a can possibly be, believed it and went to the site. All it asked was for me to type in my gamer tag in this search looking bar, and like a fking stupid dumb *** I did. Yesterday i found that i was hacked, while only today to see that my gamer tag is being used by another consul. Of course i freaked out, and analyzed the problem. Come too find out, thousands are hacked already and are continuing to be hacking hundreds of others. So far this is what i broke down. The message i was sent was not a message that my friend sent to me him self. This hack spreads by automatically sending it to every person in the whom friends list that had entered his gamer tag in the website. So far i know a few ppl who did it. I know this because after i went to the site my self and out in my tag, i saw that my account had the same exact message sent by ME from my account that got hacked earlier. as of now it is spreading like a virus b/c this message is sent to every person automatically only to spreed the news of this fake and sad "free 1600 Microsoft points" hack one person at a time. NOW YOU CAN AVOID THIS, AND IT IS VERY SIMPLE. DONT GO TO THAT SITE AND SIMPLY DELET IT! YOU WELL GET HACKED IF YOU GO THERE AND PUT UR TAG IN. what i know so far is that on Tuesday Microsoft is "shutting down xboxLIVE for maintenance" to fix this and find the hacker. IF YOU HAVE YOUR CREDIT CARD INFO\WHERE YOU LIVE\ANY INFO YOU PUT FOR THAT ACC, HE DOSE HAVE YOUR INFO. ALL OF IT! My mom had 300 $ stolen from the hacker already, and so my mom canceled her credit card. And if you are in the same **** hole I'm in, your money IS IN DANGER. PLZ SPREED THE WORD PPL AND HELP OUT OTHERS HERE SO THAT THEY MAY NOT FALL IN TO THIS SAD TRAP. PLZ SPREED!
Uh, I'm not absolutely sure as to whether this is true or not, but I'll take your word for it and alert some friends. Thanks anywho.
or in the first place you shouln't have went to the site in the first place. there is no such thing as FREE MS POINTS people never learn
Possible reasons for this post: 1. Your a troll. 2. Your genuinely retarded. The scheduled maintenance is not to catch a hacker. If you want people to actually halfway believe it try to make your post look nicer.
want me to send you to the site so you can find out your self? iv already been hacked and took my moms money. not just me but many have been, including some i know.
I know right. I get dumbass links messages all the time. Just delete the bullsh*t. They ask for you to enter your email and password and there they go. You did your part too.
Basically, you have to be smart enough not to fall for these scams. Everytime I get these types of messages, I don't care who they are from, they get deleted. Just be more cautious next time, I don't know how you fell for free microsoft points..
ye thats the thing, the message said it was sent by my very good friend here on the FH site, and he did not even send it, its just programed some how to send to all friends who put the GT in the bar. So yes i did fall for it, and YES I DO FEELING A BAG OF ****, but iv had enough grief so please shut up about me being dumb to do it. its all with in the trust is the reason i did it, and i had a great deal of trust for him, and still do. not not his fault. Hell he does not even know it got sent to me.
Listen dawg. The reason that these scams work is because there are idiots for the scammers to live off of. It's a bit of Darwin's law here. Eventually they'll run out of idiots to fleece.
If you would have said that in the first place, Im sure you would have been treated somewhat differently... Yet this confesion of your doesn't change the fact that I think your a Retard...
Oh,and would it have hurt not to post like The Cheef? I mean if you want a little more respect type properly. Trust me I know.
I stopped taking you seriously when I got to that hideous spelling mistake. Is Caesar hittin' up your gamertag? For real, free stuff is a myth. Nullum gratuitum prandium.
A. You cannot steal one's gamertag simply entering JUST the gamertag. Unless you entered your email and password in a page that looks EXACTLY like the Xbox Live login page, then he cannot steal your gamertag. There is no virus at all, just some scumbag directing people off of your friends list to his phishing site for him to collect gamertags. B. He stole $300 worth of stuff from your mom's credit card when there's only 4 digits shown? =| C. For future reference, there is absolutely positively NO way for MS points to be generated. There's a reason why they're called Money$oft. They know how to be secure with their micromonies.
Am I the only one laughing at the hypocracy in this thread? I'm seeing some members who I generally classify as dumbasses posting in there, telling the OP that he is a dumbass. Thanks for teh lulz. In the end, it doesn't matter if you believe in it or not. Actually, it's better that you don't, because then you won't fall for it. Or perhaps you will, because you don't believe that anyone would attempt to wrong another in such a way. Oh well, it doesn't make a difference to me because I just mass delete messages. I get so much as it is, I just rapidly tap 'X' until they are all gone, pausing for close friends.
Listen dawg. Scammer's love little children because they make their job easy. So, when Microsoft put little children on XBL, the scammers were so happy that they could little children while playing Xbox.
Ok, that is basically what I wanted to type out, but I was way to lazy to do so. Lets just all stop flaming the kid, somehow his account information got stolen, there is no doubting that. But as stated, gamertags can not be stolen and there are no generators that create codes for microsoft points. Also I don't know how people can get the full credit card number, as stated from 4 digits. This thread can be locked
What he's trying to say is Scammers on XBL are like Rape-ists in the real world...Ot atleast thats what I think...