Machete Reference to The Song "Machete" by: Buckethead Machete is built on Cold Storage so now everybody knows its not custom completely. Very simple for infection yet still creative and imaginative in its own special way. I was only going for a infection map that me and my friends could play on for regular or custom made Infection Gametypes which is all this map can support. There also is not much Interlocking or Geomerging in use but still is playable and smooth. Before I start giving out details I would like to note thanks to my friends on Live for making me play so much infection to the point I would make and Infection map, Now on with details. *6-8 Players *Supports Infection Gametypes Weapons- * Shotgun X1 * Spiker X2 * Rocket Launcher X1 * Sentinel Beam X1 * Brute Shot X1 * Machine Gun Turret X1 * Flamethrower X1 Equipment- * Flame Grenade X2 * Plasma Grenade X2 * Flare X1 * Grav Lift X1 Pictures- Zombie Spawn Room & Brute Shot Machine Gun Turret is on Top of The Base While The Flamethrower is Inside (Grav Lift is There For Access to Machine Gun Turret). Sentinel Beam & Flame Grenade Spawn Rocket Spawn Human Spawn Room With Shotgun, Spikers & Flare Human Teleporter For Exit Plasma Grenade Spawn *Note The FX Improves The Scene Meant For The Map Download Here
ya there is but it is such a small map that people needed to stay at least a little sharp to get to them and they needed an objective to get them out of hiding in one spot the whole round otherwise this would be an awful map with no thought put into it and it may look thrown quickly together, but its a pre-built map so honestly I had difficulty. However I see your point
Seems like a descent map, not sure why it's named machete but I suppose I will DL and see how it plays, I'll get back to you on it in a bit
lol looks cool. i personnally dont like to play on cold storage but it looks very neat and i see that you got some good ideas with the weapon placement. overall good map and def a dl from me.