Trans Station Creator: xcid77ux This map was something I've been wanting to make for a while now.An asymmetrical map with a broken highway running through it. Though the bases are not much, the map does prove it is playable and enjoyable. I will definitely be updating this map constantly until I view it as near perfect (though I would hope everyone would enjoy it). Pictures Overview Blue Side Middle Crane and Missile pod Shotgun Rockets Red Base Gametypes Currently Supported Team Slayer Flag Bomb VIP Note: More gametypes will be added as I update. Weapons Battle Rifles x 6 Carbines x 2 Plasma Rifles x 2 Brute Shots x 2 Shotgun x 1 Sword x 1 Rockets x 1 Missile Pod x 1 Equipment Bubble Shield x 1 Power Drain x 1 Regenerator x 1 Plasma Grenades x 8 Frag Grenades x 8 Overshield x 1 Active Camo x 1 Vehicles Mongoose x 3 (one is asymmetrical) Ghost x 1 Warthog x 1 (symmetrical) I hope You enjoy the map. Please post any suggestion, as I know the map needs them. Thanks. Download: Trans Station
I love the idea... but it's been done before =) I still say it's original though. a little open but I wouldn't mind playing a game or 2 here. Nice job, oh and just so you know before people start annoying the hell out of you about it, you have 2 of the same pic.
alright i got a couple suggestions... first of all i think you should put some more cover up on the high catwalk to make people want to go up there. because believe me if its a bad point then people just wont use that part of the map. The rockets are in a good spot on the map but i believe that the mongooses need some tweaking and need to be spread out.
I don't like the accual layout of the map. But u incorperated some pretty good forging skills tomthe map to make it better quality. U Used some good merging on the dunes which improves the map alot. Good job
nice job i see that you got some good ideas and that you interlocked and geo-merged a lot objects.maybe its a little bit too open at some spots on your map, but overall nice map.
It's mongooses, not mongeese. overall, the map looks well-forged. however, I do agree that you should make the bridge more appealing tactically, so that it does not become completley unused.
don't worry i will be doing more to the bridge and adding more cover in some open spots. my only concern is placing something that serves no purpose. Thanks for the feedback.