Okay so these are some of my best scenery pics for the recon contest, and I want to know which one is the best...because I just can't decide. Gate To Hell Water Greensville Uh..Normalville lol Flood Green Flood Sunny Ruins Green Ruins So which do you guys think is my best? Thanks for any help on deciding.
These are all done in-game right? well at first i thought "water" but that may run a risk of everyone else tryin to do the jungle pic. either normalville or green ruins they both look like they are real photos
yep there all made in the game, just have some fancy grenade light effects lol and yeah I was trying to make original type pics cuz I knew that the water one would be done a lot I just liked the way it looked lol...I do agree with you though, at the moment I'm thinking i should enter my green ruins on in the contest...but I'm still not sure =(
Okay guys I decided to go with green ruins. If you want to download, tag, comment or rate it go here: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details I also changed its name to Beautiful Ruins. So thanks for the help everyone!