FireFox's first screenshot gallery You may see commenting alot on pictures and not taking them. So i decided to take some shots and these are what i got. These are my first screenshots so please dont be too critical none of these shots were pre-meditated, i went in turned on some effects used some equipments and thats it. tips and constructive criticism welcome So please tell me if they are any good #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 edit--2 more pics #9 #10 edit--1 more for the day #11 Thanks for viewing CnC please
Some of these are really good for being you first shots! =) Nice job man! My favorite is probably number five. I really like how simple it is but its also pleasing! Numbers 4 and 7 are waay too bright in my opinion, try to stay away from shots as bright as those. Also, make sure you watch out for bright spots, because although it may look really cool and its not all bright there can be some bright spots that take away from the quality. Like in the last one, on his arm and helmet. As for some other pieces of advice, I would like to point out some general things that are good to keep in mind when taking screenshots. Make sure you think about the color of your armor when taking the shot, it should either match the surrounding/effect, or it should be so generic that it doesn't distract. In the 2nd and 3rd shots you used the color red which didn't really fit with the tan/green background of Ghost Town. Black is a really good general color to use when you are taking shots because pretty much no matter what shot you take black won't be distracting. And for my last piece of advice, I'm going to talk about the rule of thirds. Hopefully, you've heard a little bit about this (if not send me a message) and I want you to make sure you remember it when choosing positioning and angle. Try having the focal point (in these cases the spartan/monitor) off center so that it has a bit better compostion. Anyways, enough of me rambling on. Good luck on your future screenshots! =)
wow thanks for the advice. hehe i was doing the exact opposite of your last tip. ill try to remember that. I didnt think my last one was too bright but whatever. note* edited thread, forgot 2 pics
I like the first screenshot out of all of these. The glowing part of the monitor is really cool. It stands out good as well. 10 is pretty cool as well. It looks like he is walking out of light. The colors are great as well. Nice job
I like #5 and #6 the most. Good job on the first gallery, they all look good accept for7. That looks a little bad, but good job ^_^
yeah 7 is kinda lame, the lighting and angle arent good. overall ive gotten good feedback better thank i expected, hopefully i can churn some good ones out soon.