As you may have heard recently, the Iranian Elections have ended and once again the Regime has emerged victorious. This is such crap. I had followed the elections and am outraged at the results. We should all know that Mousavi should have one and was the popular candidate. As read from reports in many newspapers, people claimed that everyone they knew voted for Mousavi. The fact that Ahmadinejad won is blasphemous. He was obviously favored by the Regime because he had no plans to reform the government already in place. It was because Mousavi wanted to reform their government that they rigged the results. The government is full of fraud and i hate leaders that cannot except change. The world is full of it so get used to it. I believe that if things are not changed, their will be an uprising, and maybe the start of a new internal war. However, if the government does admit that they rigged the results the outcome will be no better. Overall the situation is a fragile one and needs to be handle with care. As the Balkin Region was prior to WWI, the Middle East is now, "the Powder Keg", of the world. We need to keep an eye on this as it may become a serious problem. Good luck to all and to the world. -FritoBandito
I'm currently more concerned about the psychopath running North Korea, they continuously defies the U.N and the U.S, and now they are massing up on plutonium which are one of the ingredients for a nuclear bomb, not to say they already did the missile test that could reach Alaska. Iran of course is having it's own course of puberty as well. But for now it's not the biggest threat I see.
yah i think the main problem with the U.S is that we pioneered nuclear bombs and feel secure with the fact that we have a crap load of them stockpiled but then think about how every country in the world probably **** the bed after we acquired them. AS of right now we feel that we are loosing our security. However, the fact that we actually have a secure government changes it all... NK and Iran on the other hand as i stated in my uprising paragraph have corrupt and fraudulent governments prone to releasing a nuclear storm upon the world.
very true about the fact that the **** is about to hit the fan, i just hope for the best. i hope for a future in humanity and for pray for the leaders of those rebelious nations that they make the right choice. We should all be worried about our situation at the moment and hope for the best.
But he's do darn cute. How could you be afraid of him? I take the stance of, what I believe is, Jon Stewart. Don't legitimize fear mongers. When N. Korea announced its Type Dong Missile (spelled it as it sounds), Jon Stewart just made ***** jokes. I think if N. Korea is trying to make a serious threat to the U.S. and an official comes out and starts laughing at the name then you seriously hurt the chances of that nation being emboldened.
It's like that bully at school who can't put up a fight. Rely on intimidation, but when no one responds to his bullshit, he doesn't know what to do. And like I said, they'll get gang raped. If NK tries anything, the UN in its entirety with come down on their ass. Even their "allies" won't come to their aid. Will China support North Korea if it involves the United States, their number 1 customer? If politics have taught us anything, money comes first.
North Korea will only threaten other countries, its not like they can randomly nuke/attack some country and get away with it. They endanger their entire country if they do something aggressive. How is North Korea doing anyways? What do their people think? I don't even know where they get the funds to buy the materials for nukes and weapons anyways.
I love the way the media make every day look like the end of the world. This is real life, North Korea won't just start throwing nukes around so Kim Jong Gimp can "rule the world", because they'll be nothing to rule. In a nuclear war, no-one dares to fire the first shot. It's the most harmless war ever. The Iranian riots will die down if the government deal with them properly. If they start shooting people then we'll have problems, but they are quite an innocent country really: YouTube - Iranian Olympics Lol, had to sneak that in there!
Whats better is we can sstop them before they reach us. Also if they Mass produce these weapons long enough and don't pace themselves they coul ultimately destroy themselves if it affects the econom look at the soviet union they collapsed because of they're economy in which almost all of the money was going to weapons.And epic fishfinger that was great i'm glad you posted that.