A bit difficult to explain, but it's something I've been wondering for a while. Do you think everyone has their own personal "cap" on skills? I'm talking about real life and real life skills. Do you think there is a point in any skill whether it be an athlete, someone who can play an instrument, a singer etc., where people reach THEIR OWN maximum potential, and no matter how much they practice can't get any better. Pretty much like getting a "level 100" in a real life skill. Now I think some people just have certain gifts or talents. Something they were born with etc., but do they still have their own cap. If we're referring to an athlete, I'm not talking about a cap for an all-around basketball player. I'm asking do you think, for example, Michael Jordan reached his maximum potential? Could he have gotten any better, with more training, or was he already at 100% of his talent? This argument goes for normal people, so please use common sense. I know my question doesn't come out as cleanly and understandable as I'd like it to, so if you don't understand I'll try again =]. Discuss.
Its LeveL 99, not 100... And I don't think there is a cap, you can always improve your game. Either if its new strats, or just raw talent.
I don't think there is a skill cap but as you get better and better you only get better decreasing increments.
Physics don't allow an infinite potential. For example, it's impossible for a human too run at 90 mph because of their structure. And singing and creativity skills are a matter of opinion.
As dreaddraco said, I think that everything that can be definately measured (i.e. 100m times, speed of drumming, etc.) has a cap due to physics and creative things are subject to debate about whether someone is better or not. But as for whether everyone has their own personal cap, I don't think so, but people with natural advantages just have a better chance and an easier time getting to that stage.
not always? say you drive a car? once you master it, you cant get better, its a matter of oppinion on most things.
It's weird with driving. I get really good at it, and then all of a sudden, the next day, I feel like I'm driving terribly and have to regain all my skill. So weird...
Yes, Physically there is definatley a cap. But the way you think, strategize, decision making is endless. Say your trying to jump really high. Slowly you will get better. Your going to try different technics of jumping, like using a certain leg, or scrunching for more momentum (possibilities are endless/Capless) but the amount of improvement will lower slowly. Soon enough you just cant reach a certain level.
'but the amount of improvement will lower slowly.' It doesn't just lower slowly. The amount it lowers by increases. Then the amount that it increases increases. Etc 'possibilities are endless/Capless' If that was true, there would be people able too jump into space.
I think what he's trying to say is if you try to go to the number 0 by starting at 1 and continuously and you half the number 1 an infinite times. You'll never get to 0, you'll just keep getting closer. This can be applied to real life athletics as well. I believe there is a cap on certain skills because some sports like basketball you can only reach a maximum shot percentage of 100%. Or in Football you can only pass/receive the ball a maximum of 100%. Here's another example we all can relate to: in Halo your max BR skills cap at 4 shots, after you master that you can't get better with the BR. But I do realize there are other aspects of competitive play that do not have a maximum (like running, or swimming). For these skills they do not in fact cap.