Creator: IVIaster Sniper Map name: GooseChallenge2 Description: Not one person has beat this dreadful challenge ( but it is possible ) Map Used: Sandbox Players: Atleast 6 or more ( 6 mongooses at start ) Supported Gametypes: GooseChallenge ( oddball variant ) Link: Mongoose Challenge 2 Expert level Goose Challenge Gametype! Pictures: Only the beginning: Fork lift: Hell's Gates: The record place no one has been further: Hazardous hill: Final stretch: The Rough road: The Decision: Extra Details:This is the professional only map, only the best of the best can beat this test if you beat it send me the video, or invite me to the party and you will be the record time holder and the first to finish the map! I'd like to make this a contest to see who's first! There is more to the map than this, but I decided to leave some for suprise ;] Good luck and like always, I am open for constructive criticsm and requests or ideas for other maps! Please, if you download leave comments on what you think or atleast say thank you. And remember, don't give up and good luck!
i doubt its hard than c u l8ter 's halotracks challenge courses but overall it looks like a good challenge
I have made it up to the last two " Challenges " the part I failed at is the one in the picture where im falling off. And every stunt while being built was tested, i just didn't go through the whole course. And to the person who said the bumps are just luck, try and drive slow over them, not the full speed
Me and my friend beat it, most of it is just luck. The only hard part is the fork lift IMO. And the desicion is a no brainer. Everyone will take the right path. So much easier than the left.