Foundry Reciprocal

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by evan12075, Jun 13, 2009.

  1. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    Supported Gametypes: Team Slayer, Multi-Flag, One Flag, Team King, Oddball, Assault, One Bomb, Neutral Assault, Territories (Free For All games not supported)​

    Reciprocal is a map I've been working on for quite some time. The original idea popped into my mind about 3 months ago and forging started soon after. The map didn't take very long to forge, but a few testing sessions proved there were flaws in the map design, weapon placement and spawns. I went through about 2 months of tweaking the map to get it to where it is now, which I believe to be the best it can be. But there's always something I could've missed or something someone has a different opinion on. If this is so, please bring it up in a comment after playing the map.

    Reciprocal first started of as a design for a Capture the Flag map, Multi-Flag particularly. I began thinking of some maps that played well with Multi-Flag and started to study them. Here's a few key notes I gathered.

    -Plenty of routes around the map
    -More than one entrance to a team's base
    -Placement and choice of weapons and equipment that will help both to defend and to attack.
    -1 neutral power weapon up for grabs in the middle to give one team a little advantage for a short time to prevent a stalemate.
    -Long lines of sights in areas that would be taken as a quick route to capture a flag.

    In Reciprocal, I tried my best to incorporate these notes into the map, and I believe I have done a good job.

    Major Weapons and Equipment:
    Sniper (Defender's side; 1 spare clip; 180 seconds)
    Overshield (Defender's side; 180 seconds)
    Shotgun (Attacker's side; 0 spare clips; 180 seconds)
    Active Camo (Attacker's side; 180 seconds)
    Rockets (Neutral; 0 spare clips; 180 seconds)
    Mauler (Both sides; 0 spare clips; Symmetric; 120 seconds)
    Needler (Both side; 2 spare clips; 90 seconds)
    Bubble Shield (Attacker's side, Asymmetric, 60 seconds)

    Here's some screenshots to get you familiar with the layout and the callouts. I honestly don't think the screenshots do the map justice, so I was trying to get a video for it. Unfortunately, the guy who was doing my video just couldn't get it done, so I'm going without it...

    Defender's Base, Stairs to tunnel (left)

    Defender's Side Building
    (Sniper located on second level of Defender's Building)

    Defender's Side Courtyard

    Defender's Side bridge

    Defender's Side Overshield

    Neutral Rockets

    Central Area, Ramp to Defender's Bridge, and Stairs to Tunnel

    Attacker's Base

    Attacker's Side Building (and bridge to tunnel in background)
    Shotgun located on 2nd level of Attacker's Building

    Attacker's Side Courtyard

    Attacker's Camo

    Special Thanks goes to all my testers who stuck with this map during it's dreadfully long testing stage, you know who you are. I probably never would've published it if these guys didn't keep on asking me when the hell I was going to post it.

    ehh, might as well post this too... Teaser pic for my next map:

    Senior Member

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    good map,
    maybe its a little bit to open at the flag point...
    and a little bit to confusing in the middle, but it looks very clean.
    i see that you got some good ideas.
    overall well done.
  3. xpk3

    xpk3 Ancient
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    ive dl'd it and had a quick forge through and its a bit too open spaced for my liking but you cant make a map that suited everyone's tastes. every part of the map is clean and well interlocked, i actually couldnt find any imperfections at all. gameplay wise well judging by how long you kept the testers playing to get it to perfection i can tell its great. and I CAN HAZ ROKITLAWNCHAIR
    overall i give it a 5/5
  4. Ahogan11

    Ahogan11 Ancient
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    this map is good but one thing i noticed was that there is not much cover you did a good job at forgeing this well done 3.5/5
  5. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    what kinda freaking reply is that ahogan11, i think you just posted to raise your post count. And whats the point of the picture xpk3,? And its not to confusing, you have to make a lot of routes for ctf.

    alright first id like to say congratz on the 1000 +post.
    Another thing is that im working on my seperate map right now that supports ctf, and ill definetly be studing this to help forge it.

    now here comes one of my reviews and since i only played one game of 4v4 ctf with this i cant tell you much but the experience i had with the one game.

    Athestics::, The athestics were pleasing but something that I really enjoied was the tunnel, it was a really great idea to make that and its really pleasing, and its not just a strait tunnel, it has a nice curve to it. You also had some very good ramp merges too. I also like how you blocked the line of sight...

    Gameplay::, it was fun, There was so many routes, which is really needed in a ctf map, the main route was the ctf, but it was ok cause there was routes that the opposing team could take to try and defend that tunnel. The rocket brought some battles in the farther part of the map which made the whole map feel useful.

    Spawns::, I didn't incoperate any problems, the back part of the map was a great place for the safe spawns, and when you died you didn't spawn to close or too far from the flag, which was very good. Nice job in this section.

    Weapons::, Like I said the rocket couldn't have been in a better spawn it was a great place to be, it brought attraction threwout the map. Nice job posting the Overshield under the ramp, and the camo spawn is good cause your sorta in the open were to get the valuble camo you had to take a risk. Good weapon choice.
    overall nice map evan, u got my DL

    There you go evan, just trying to bring life to this map on FH
  6. TehRandomBoi

    TehRandomBoi Ancient
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    Although I like the map Ramparts v2 better, I've gotta say this is a very great map. Looks good and I'm guessing plays well. I haven't played it yet, so I can't say for the spawn points, but The map is great eye candy from the pictures.

    Map: 4/5 Might wanna bring the flags in a bit?
    Pictures: 4/5 The pictures make me think of it as a good map for slayer.
    Athestics: 5/5 Too much merging and interlocking ruins a map. Too little does too. This map has just the right amount.

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