I am currently working on a map on foundry, and naturally, I've been doing a lot of interlocking on it. When I thought I finished the map, I placed the weapons. But I went back, and added to the map. So here is the problem: every time I interlock an object, some weapon goes nuts. Here is what I mean; it is moved each round, and it goes to a random spot, in a random position. It does it every time I interlock, and the weapon will keep doing it until I move it myself. Although I haven't had the same weapon do it twice, there are a lot of weapons on this small map. I would probably have finished the map by now, if it wasn't for all of the annoying weapons moving themselves. Has anyone else had similar experiences? Or does anyone know what's causing it, or how to fix it? Thank you for your time. -Forger
You could make a map where the weapons randomly spawn, so it stays fresh. But ya I have had an occurence where I 'll do the save and quit method but the object goes to a different possi.
thats happened to me alot, and onetime i was forging a map and forgot to save(stupid me) and i was testing the map and whenever i walked on something that was interlocked it would fly up and splatter me WTF why does it do that
This sounds very strange, it's never happened to me. things should spawn on those little blue things.. are you sure these are actually moving by themselves? You haven't just got a floating spawn so the weapon falls and lands in a "random" place? If you place weapons on an upside down open box they sink in a little, and thin weapons like assualt rifles or SMGs can't be picked up in forge. This isn't the problem you are having though.
What I want to know is that will the new forge items be able to be used on Foundry if they come out in Legendary Pack. Probably not that great of a question but I want to know.
Offtopic: Going by what they did with the Heroic pack, they won't change the forge items for any old maps. Ontopic: I've never seen anything like this with interlocking. Can you reproduce it on another map, in a simpler setup (so we can isolate what exactly is making it happen)? If not, then you could make a game film (or the map itself) available for someone to check it out.
that happened to me once, but i started adding weapons and spawns as a final measure before testing. i would just do that if i were you
That is the oddest thing i have ever heard. Unfortunately, i cannot help because this has never happened to me.
You get that when the weapon falls on the object and gets slightly merged with it. That happens in game, happens most often with upside down double boxes, if you throw a grenade on the gun and hold pick up, you will grab it in mid air. I hate double boxes, they always get merged with the ground and things when im using them. Really annoying.
Well, firstly, if you are still interlocking stuff, that means you placed weapons before you were done with the map which should never be done. Also, are you past the item limit or are you severely past the budget limit?