Links : Halo 3 File Details Game: Hi, I've been donwloading from forgehub for a while but now I'm posting my own creations. Here is: VECTOR Vector is a symetrical map held up in the skybox. It plays well, but it doesn't have interlocking because: IT DOESN'T NEED INTERLOCKING!!!!! Anyways, you'll spawn in a box, in that box will be 1 0f 4 sets of equipment, each one representing a differnet person in a squad. both teams have the same 4 sets of equipment. Thses are: Infantry 2x Battle rifle 2x frag grenade 1x smg 1x power drain Heavy weapons 2x spike grenade 1x rocket launcher 1x trip mine 1x machine gun (you'll have to rip it off the stand) Medic 2x shotgun 2x plasma grenade 1x sentinel beam 1x regenerator Sniper 2x sniper rifle 2x incendiary grenades 1x magnum 1x flare As well as equipment, there is also a teleporter in the box. This take you up to the fighting stage. Before the pics though we'll go over some gametype details. The gametype is basicaly team slayer, but with some changes. Starting weapon: plasma pistol (forcing the player to pick up better weapons) grenade count: none (making the player pick up greandes provided) there is only 1 spawn point in each box, meaning the map can only support a max of 8 people. Anyway the pics: infantry set: [/URL] Heavy set: [/URL] Medic: [/URL] Sniper: [/URL] When you pick up your gear, you'll exit through 1 of 4 reciever nodes: [/URL] Overview, attackers on the left and defenders on the right: [/URL] both bases are the same: [/URL] [/URL] The center area, where most of the dying happens: [/URL] Either side of the fusion coils is a bubble shield. Both bases have a tower and banshee, only accessible via a jump across a 200ft fall As well as this both bases have a shield door to prevent dying as soon as you spawn sadly only 2 action pics: me walking into my friend's trip mine: [/URL] and my friend, Nazdreg101 [/URL] Constructive critisism is welcome. Links : Halo 3 File Details Game: Also, I'm not sure if I put it in the right section. I wouldn't see it in matchmaking but It's not infection either
This looks pretty nice. I like the concept. Reminds me of Devinish's game "Infantry." I like everything except the base. You could've put a lot more into it. The Banshees also seem to just destroy gameplay, leaving classes useless. Same with the Missile Pods and Overshields and Camos. Just put no weapons/vehicles on the map for a v2.
I'll probably make a V2 with a larger area, and set it up for terrirtories as well. Maybe have 3 islands rather than just 1 central. I don't know yet.
Sorry man it's a nice idea but the map just looks boring. Interlocking isn't the problem, the problem is the design is lacking. This game would be nice if maybe the map was larger, had more cover, or had more routes(Sorry if that's the point of the map).
Thanks for the ideas, the v1 was just to see how a small version would do. see if people liked it the way it was or wanted it larger. but the focus of the map was to force everyone into a bottleneck where there would be huge fights, so anyways...... I don't know where i'm going with this but thanks anyway
I dont really understand the idea of them getting out of the tube pieces, mabey you should just have the weapons behind a wall or cover on a wall. also there should be some cover on the sides of the double boxes protecting them from incoming banshees.
Sooooo what happens when you die? That's the one part that I don't understand. And also, merging **** together WILL make your map look better, and smoothen gameplay, so there's no way a map doesn't need merging. I can see gaps in some areas already like the ramp infront of the banshee. The idea has been done before, but I suppose it's kind of cool with the class structure.
Overall it's a good map idea and the banshees are good. But what if someone owns at sniping and their constantly spawning in the medic room or something. I think that all the spawns should be in the same room and just have a corner for each weapon specialist. But overall its a great map.
The idea is you use the weapons you are given, the spawns are random so you have different equipment every time. but once you're in the skybox you can pick up the equipment of fallen team mates. also if anyone has good additions for a v2 post it here, I'll make it longer and have 3 central islands.... anything else?
I like the idea of having multiple roles during gameplay, although the medic seems like the best role, because he has a sentinel beam and a shotgun, 2 of my favorite weapons. The map could use some tweaking though. YES, it does need interlocking, I can see a lot of cracks between the blocks that could use interlocking. The Map design isn't that great either. There is only one way into the base besides flying in with a banshee, and that really isn't a viable option because you lose a valuable vehicle. There isn't much cover either, a sniper could dominate the map from the top of his base. get a guy with a missle pod next to him and your base it literally impenetrable. I wouldn't put the Invis and OS so close together either, it means one guy can walk to one and then the other in 5 seconds. One last thing, if you have air craft on your map, you should raise the walkways at least 2 blocks above the grid becuase if the banshee attempts to splatter, it will usually just fall below the grid
nice map.maybe you could interlock your objects that it looks a little bit cleaner. i also think you should the banshee its a little too bit unfair. but i like the layout maybe you could a version 2 then i will dl it. =)
The whole theme with the classes is very fun although the map could be larger and have more cover. And interlocking does help in game play. And I also agree with FORGING2PERFEKTION with the banshee being unfair.
I'd have to agree. I like the concept, I've even tried it myself, but the playing field is a bit too bland. Also, you may not think it, but alot of stupid people will fall off the edge unless you put a guard rail there. (P.S. What if one team was winning, couldn't they just stay in their rooms and not go through the teleporters then, hmm?)
I'll be posting a V2 soon, but first I'm forging another map called 'Conquest V2' (The V2's there to make it sound cooler)