this is my new picture called death role its death rolling the dice of chance. Here is a nother screenshot that i made called rubix cube its a spartan holding a rubix cube i made in forge Tell me if you liked them plz and thank you :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: FileSharelink!!!!!!
Very, very clever. 5/5 for innovation and awesomeness. Wait until the demotivators for these come out.
nice dude, do one with a sparten standing on the rubix cube staring at the other sparten like a litte borrower
Actually, these are really good. Very original idea with the dice, and i saw the Rubiks Cube featured in i heart halo3screenshots. You should be proud!
The dice is the best. Very creative, and nicely executed. The second isn't that great, since you can see the sword. Nice idea, though.
I like the dice one better, but the left side of the right die doesn't have any dots. And I saw the rubics cube picture on someones file share the other day