I decided to take a break from my multi-team map and spent about a day working on this puzzle/jumping map. Before I continue I want to let you know this is a pretty challenging course. The first official run on the final version took us 56 minutes and 36 seconds (we got stuck on 2 different parts for quite a while). Although were not the best jumpers that should be heeded as a warning, and this will keep you occupied for a while. Now onto the map. The map itself features many brute shot jumps, equipment jumps (some are consecutive), a few simple puzzles, a few obstalces, some "dismount jumps" as I call them, and my new invention (I think), three "spider flips". These all help add to the total number of 40 pretty difficult jumps. The gametype makes you invincible and gives you a brute shot primary, magnum secondary, just because I can. In the spoiler is the full list of the major jumps/puzzles/obstacles in order. ("//" = checkpoint) Spoiler Four Brute shot jumps - 4 brute shot/fusion coil - 5 brute shot/equipment - 7 // brute shot/fusion coil - 8 dismount jump - 9 brute shot jump - 10 brute shot/double equipment - 13 // brute shot - 14 mongoose obstacle 1 mongoose cannon puzzle 1 (contains everything in this section) // puzzle 2 grav lift/equipment - 16 brute shot - 17 two late-crouch - 19 // spider flip - 21 mongoose obstacle 2 mongoose cannon // brute shot - 22 equipment - 23 quadruple turret jump - 27 equipment/spider flip - 30 brute shot - 31 // vert wall - 32 puzzle 3 (I really don't know if you wana call it a puzzle) dismount - 33 // brute shot/fusion coil - 34 brute shot/spider flip/quadruple equipment - 40 Now that I got that out of the way lets get some pics. Spoiler This is the starting/spawning area, featuring a somewhat foolproof checkpoint system, just walk into the teles and you will be taken to the latest checkpoint. PS. You will get to know this place very well =] The first territory and jumps, four brute shot jumps to the top, and a normal jump to land you to the next area. After the BS jumps do a BS/FC jump and a BS/equipment jump to the second territory and the checkpoint behind the shield door. After another BS/FC jump, floor this ghost into the killball, but try to jump off and land on the platform, this is my "dismount" jump. After that BS jump onto the next platform. Here just do a BS jump and then convert into two consecutive equipment jumps. Then unblock the third checkpoint. From the Checkpoint, BS jump to the mongoose, and manuveur it to the mancannon on top of the ramp (shown left). The first puzzle, after finnishing this is the third territory and fourth checkpoint. Hint: Spoiler You know what you need to get through this, the question is, "Where is it?" or... "Where was it?" The second puzzle Hint: Spoiler Theres more to this than meets the eye, actually, 2 more things. Tip: Watch out for falling fusion coils The territory there has been moved back to the ground. After that puzzle is a brute shot jump (or crouch jump but it is much harder) onto the obelisk, normal jump onto the platform, and 2 late-crouch jumps before a mancannon to territory 4 and checkpoint 5. After the checkpoint you arrive at the first "Spider flip" on the map. This jump requires you to jump on a turret, perform a turret jump, then do a 180 degree turn while looking down, so you can then do an equipment jump to finish it all. It sounds more difficult than it really is, or maybe not. After the spider flip you get to do one of the most difficult parts of the course, unless your an expert mongoose driver. The first part (no pic) is just some bumpy sections to shake you off. Tip: go fast on the wedges, slow down on the hills. The second part requires some precision driving and timing. Tip: there are 2 falling fusion coils here, drive fast, but not too fast. Then ride the mongoose cannon to your well deserved territory and checkpoint Tip: go off the cannon as staight as possible, or you could be back where you were 20 minutes ago. After the landing pad do a BS jump (OMG haven't had one of those for a while) onto a man cannon and a very easy equipment jump to the next part. Inside here you get to do one of my favorite parts, a quadruple turret jump up to the top. From the top do a flare jump to the floating turret, and perform another spider flip to the landing pad, then one more BS jump to the checkpoint and territory. After the checkpoint you can do a "Vert wall jump" I believe I owe credit to someone for this jump, I'll edit this when I find it. Also the wall is now higher so you cant just jump on it. ^^^ There is also something here that you need to use to move on, and to not screw you over when you "think" you've won. The spoiler actually tells you what to do so don't open it unless you want the secret revealed. Spoiler Use the sniper to shoot the fusion coils in the tele on the main level (see last pic), this unblocks the finishing tele and actually lets you finish the game, should you actually survive. Then shoot the fusion coils in the tele by the second dismount jump (below), this lets you get to the next part of the map. The next dismount jump, I found this one esier than the first After the dismount jump you reach the well earned final checkpoint and seventh territory. You get a cookie for making it this far but it's not over yet.......... After one last BS/FC jump, you get to the finalle, a BS/Spider flip/quadruple equipment jump, A.K.A. the screw you over jump. The last equipment in the jump is missing in the pic. PS, it's a flare, your welcome =] After you get through that the teleporter will take you to the eigth territory, ending the game. The course is meant for one person, but more won't hurt (and makes it much less frustrating), just make sure you are all on the same team. Download Map Game Any comments, questions, criticism, ect. welcome. Thanks to Jake Space Man for helping me test this to make sure it's actually possible =]
Some action shots Spoiler Will Jake make it? Jake launching us over the edge with his brute shot.... thaaaaaanks I knew there was one of these somewhere! We both get pwned by fusion coils Jake's first attempt at a spider flip..... ....doesn't go so well.... ....his 973rd attempt looks more prommising =] Jake got sooooooo close! My spider flippin skillz So close yet another screw-you-over jump away. After 26 minutes of trying the same jump, I better frikin get this! Some tips: Spoiler Don't land on the turrets, or you could end up like this ^^^ Yes, he is going to die. Fusion coils can hurt you, but they can help you too If you know you won't make the jump, throw the equipment, if you don't, it'll be a much longer wait for it to respawn. Don't look straight down on the vert wall, aim a little right, and you could avoid this. Going off a man cannon without a mongoose will end in certian death. Fusion coils have 10 second respawns, keep that in mind especially on the mongoose part. If MLG doesn't allow equipment..... Then MLG frikin sucks! =] And just because I can... Epic win sauce =] Edit: While attempting a new record, on the final jump I managed to fall below the grid on the last equipment jump and have my body bounce up and land at the end of the course, I was pretty pissed. And I'm pretty sure I was robbed, I made that jump.... unless dead people can jump too......... Newest record: 15:43
Wow thats awesome and soooo long its very difficult and very well concieved. this looks spectacular and imo sould get featured! 5/5
Good lord, Please put your pics in one big spoiler. You've just about crashed my computer. On the subject at hand, the map looks really nice and complex.
Only a day? Danngg, it looks soo perfectly put together, and it looks like a lot of hard work. The map looks pretty decent to, and really long, which is good. I like puzzle maps, but in my opinion, it looks more like a jumping map, so no DL for me. Sorry, really good map, but Jumping maps arent my thing. Good job though. 5/5
Not a bad map. It had some pretty easy challenges and some pretty tough challenges. Some pretty original ones, too. I also liked the checkpoint system. My fastest time was 16:01, although I'm confident I could get that down to 12:00 if I gave it another try.
wow nice job! this is one of the most complex and challanging courses i have ever seen. So of the ghost jumps are crazy and i love the checkpoint system a great addition. My best time was 15:43
Wow I'm glad you guys like it. Thanks for the feedback and I also put all the pics in a spoiler. Yeah it only took me a few hours to assemble (not counting the time spent testing the jumps while assembling it). And then the final run took us about an hour just because we weren't taking it too seriously. And I really didn't have the best process for testing. We just played through, and when we found a problem we fixed it in forge and then started over in the official gametype. But yeah It was just one of those times I had a forging breakthrough.
Epic Win Sauce!!! Kieth is the best game creator ever!!! My best time was 1:45:12. I really stink at equipment jumps ((((((( Oh Well.