It will take forever to find, but I'll try. It was like three weeks ago since she last posted a stock. That stock in there was used at least twenty times. Along with a couple of others.
... Oh, I guess you're right. It's not like a google of Section 8 brings up 5 versions of that stock or that the game does pop up quite often. Try again.
After you. Your attempt to stump me is rather pathetic. You keep bringing up all these excuses, and they fail. Because most of them that have used that stock, said they got it from Ice. Oh wait, your next excuse would be, "Well, they probably googled Ice!"
Since I haven't seen Ices sig... Of course these excuses stand. A google of the game gives you 5 different results. And the link you showed does not say he got it from Ice. Even funnier is that the person said it's his third Section 8 sig, implying he knows the game. Nice job helping my argument Frag.
You're an idiot. He used that same stock three times. Then how come Ice is usually the first one to pick out the stock. THE FIRST. Then everyone ELSE does it. Idiot, I picked out that thread to show you which stock was overused, so I won't have to go through five thousand of threads to prove you wrong. I will if this continues. You haven't seen what I've seen. Don't be a *****.