Part I Part II Part III Movin' to China: Part IV . Well, I've been here for 5 1/2 months now. A full semester of school in Hong Kong. So many of you might know what I'm talking about, but a few of you may not, so I'll tell ya. I moved from Wisconsin to China in January, 2009... and today's my first day of summer vacation! Woot woot! Okay, well it's been tough. I guess I miss my pets the most, cuz I haven't seen them for nearly half a year. I've seen my family over Skype and stuff, but not longer than 5 minutes. School here is ... different. It rains almost every other day here, so it's mostly an outdoor school. The hallways and stuff are outside, but the classrooms, bathrooms, etc. are indoors. Uhh.. well there are a ton of huge ass spiders and crap here. One example: I woke up, got ready for school, went out the door and saw a spider the size of a c.d! It was crazy. Plus, there are like a billion cockroaches here that just DON'T DIE!!! In biology some kid put a roach in a jar with poison gas (I don't remember what it's called), then speared the thing with a needle, and it was STILL alive!!! It was hissing and trying to fly away with a needle speared through it's side. lol Kids here are rich. Really rich. They have their own personal drivers and helpers and they go all over the world for their vacations. Yeah so they can be kinda snobby at times.. Idk But I'm going to Wisconsin for two weeks!!! woot woot1!!11! lol. I'll prbly go to six flags, and maybe summerfest. I can't wait! And also my b-days coming up this week, so buy me a present and send it to me, k? So that's really all I have to say. If you have any questions just ask away. (haha that rhymed)
So uh, hope I'm not getting to personal but why are they over there? Your brothers go to college there or something?
My Dad's job (he's a professor), and they wanted to go abroad for some weird reason and I'm stuck with them.
Yes No, I use to live pretty far from the Dells. Yes sir. Yeah, there's an... alright group I hang out with.. they're kinda preppy though..
How does that make any sense? If it rains every other day then that means it's shitty outside. So how is it more of an outside school then inside?
I was thinkin the same thing when I was typing it... uhh.. lol... i have no idea.. the chinese are kinda screwed up
dude where do you live? I went to six flags like a month ago with my science class. and i might be going to summerfest too, idk if i wanna go though