The Cathedral by Powerslave67 This is my first real map on Sandbox. It consists of a church in the middle of the map. Humans spawn inside the church. Zombies spawn randomly outside of the map. The guardians are blocked off of course. After 10 seconds, the zombies are about close to the church. That's when the Gloomy, FX kicks in. Weapons x3 Battle Rifle x1 Sentinal Beam x1 Rocket Launcher x1 Sniper Rifle x2 Machine Gun Turrets Equipment x3 Spike Grenades x1 Grav Lift x1 Trip Mine x1 Bubble Shield The Map The Map After 10 Seconds The Magical "Wishing" Well / Shotgun Spawn Inside Church / Alter / Frag + Firebomb Spawn / Sentinal Beam Spawn Inside of Church - Left Side You can take cover behind them by ducking. When you stand, you can shoot over them Inside of Church - Right Side You can't shoot over them. Top of Church / 2 Frags Behind Cross / Sniper Spawn on Tower / 2 Turrets in Back Trip Mine Spawn outside of Left Window Active Camo Spawn - After 180 Sec So How Do I Know When Active Camo Spawns? Right Window Shuts After 180 Sec A Shield Door Spawns in Entrance After 180 Sec Well Gets Sealed Shut After 180 Sec Extra Support on Right Side Roof After 180 Sec You're Able to Get Ontop of Roof Without Any Special Jumps (Grenade, Double, Trip Mine Launching, etc) After 180 Sec Tips to Getting ontop of Roof Early You get get ontop of the "seat" against the wall and grenade jump and crouch to fit through the hole You get get ontop of the broken column, crouch, throw a trip mine under you, jump, and go forward to get ontop of the roof. I HAVEN'T TESTED THE GAMETYPE YET, SO IF YOU PLAY THIS MAP YOU HAVE TO MAKE YOUR OWN. HAVE FUN, AND TRY AND FIND THE HIDDEN ROOM WITHOUT FORGE. Download .:Cathedral:.
Aesthetically, it looks very nice. However, I don't think it would work as good as it may seem on paper. With the ton of empty space outside the cathedral, any human who got their hands on a br would just run outside and sit in one of the empty areas gunning down zombies as they try to run at them. If you have any resources left I'd suggest adding more or figure out some way to address this issue. Beyond that it looks really fun.
This is called spam here at forgehub. You need to put actual thought into your post about a map and not just write-Awesome Map! Great interlocking and geomerging-this doesn't count either. You will most likely recieve an infraction, but it dosen't last forever. I would recommend reading the RULES For the map, It looks very good. The only flaw is that there isn't much outside of the cathedral. Also, couldn't the people just hide outside the map in the dunes when it gets dark? It would be almost impossible to find them. I would have also liked to be able to get in the cathedral via the roof. If there is, please state it. For the Cathedral, I would have included an upper level with a balcony and made the entire thing taller, like in most actual cathedrals. Many times I have seen great looking maps, but the gametype sucked. I would recommend that next time you make a gametype for a game, test it first. Overall-4.2/5 PS. I loved the fact that you included a hidden room with a stripper pole...even if it is at a church.
The map can't have anymore objects, but i'm thinking of taking out the secret room to put more cover outside the map.