I've seen the thread many times and played the game many times. I've never enjoyed it. Oh, and thanks for being condescending. You're awesome. No wonder the users here don't like the staff members.
there was nothing condescending about TZ's post. In that thread, many users leave comments about the map and how they feel about it. Its essentially a log of all peoples feelings about the map. if you dont ****in like the gametype, dont play it. who cares? why does anyone like anything? why DONT you like it? Answer that specifically.
Did you miss my post? Look at the the page and read it. I like the staff. tsb is very right. You want to know why people think it is fun, but you do not elaborate or provide evidence. I'll give you your same argument your giving us. It's enjoyable.
He addressed me in a condescending manner. I don't think the gametype makes for an enjoyable game. There were so many different aspects of gameplay that just did not seem fun: the map structure, flow, player health and shields, damage, etc. I have not played in a while so I cannot easily remember every detail, but I just did not have fun playing the game. Don't get me wrong: The map is well forged. I don't think the game as a whole is good.
Haha, it was one thing to have thread made, but now to have people jumping to Manifest's side. Now I remember why I need to finisht he next one XD @RaVNzCRoFT To be honest, I don't care if you don't find it enjoyable, or anyone else for that matter. All that matters is that somebody liked it, and I am happy. However, there are way more than that. A good example would be the time I was playing xbox live with my friend. We decided to invite random people from previous matches for a custom game. After awhile, everyone in the party (a full one) was spamming me messages of praise and begging we play a round of Manifest. It's because of moments like those I really don't give a **** about your opinion. However, if you must know why people find it enjoyable, I would imagine it would be for the same reasons chrst and I wanted as we made it. 1) It's atmospheric. 2) It's balanced (if played right, and yes we are aware that that's a big if) 3) It is something new and out of the oridnary. TransactionZero is a great guy and in no way condencending. If you want to know about a map you read the comments left for it in it's thread (linked in my signature). To me, it just looks like someone's a little ass sore and thinks that the "well they're colors" argument will garner a herd of supporters. If you are looking for a herd of sheep that is.
LOCKED. was going to do it yesterday, but thought someone could revive it back to its original purpose, oh well, looks like twas time for me to step in. Ravenz get the **** off your mom's lap and get out more, if you thought TZ was being condescending then you don't know what the word ****ing means. THAT was condescending. now you've learned a new word. a map is a map, there is no ****ing reason that allows you to go into a thread and start flaming it, ESPECIALLY WHEN IT WAS ASKING A ****ING QUESTION. Are you ****ing retarded? Nevermind, I guess that was a rhetorical question. Oh and by the way...when people say they don't like the staff, they're usually referring to me, because I hate idiots, and I treat them the way they should be handled here...so go ahead and dislike me, a retard's opinion is like **** stuck to my shoe, it stinks and after its been wiped off, ill forget about it. in essence, **** off.
In essence of driving this thread back towards it's original purpose: Look for a new one by the first week of July. We plan to bring as much innovation to this as we can, and had no plans of recreating the exact same map we already made. With this, it has taken a little longer to get organized, and used the the sandbox pallet. The setting will be different, and I can tell you one thing: if you like the way lost tells it's story, you'll like the way we plan too. A definite machinima this time as well. We are hoping to create an even more team based atmosphere from zombies, while retaining the things people loved: the linear path, the campaign styled gameplay, the healthsystem, the map events. Though I can say for sure: the boss is going to be a hell of a lot scary than the grindnaut, and the fight sequence will be much, much more epic.