Hey this is a recreation of the Gears of War 2 map Blood drive. The map is capable of team slayer and ctf. --->Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Share
How is this a mini-game map? *Request move to competitive maps section* The map looks pretty decent, but I see some spots that really need some interlocking. Here's a tip for you, put some thin wedges, barriers or something like that on the edge of the sides of the map to prevent people from falling. Take out the filter, I don't see any need for that and it would give players much better light to play on. Please include a weapons list as well.
I agree with moving the thread. But onto the map: It looks good, but could you get more pics of the team's spawns, flag spawn, and overview, and all the other screen shots that people at forge hub expect.
I personally think that this map looks good and YOU DONT NEED INTERLOCKING FOR GOOD MAPS. Also, the filters look fine. Now to the map.. I especially like the middle and it looks super clean.
yeah the i would put up barriers around the edges but i ran out of items it says that map is overload or something like that