calling all who know everything about computers/nemi-chan

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by halo kid, Jun 12, 2009.

  1. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    I was hunting for computer programs when I came across something about being able to play pokemon gold and silver on the computer,and for the past hour Ive been trying to get to play,but I don't understand what they're talking about when they say "then unpack the file in win.rar and download the ROM off of a site" or anything along those those lines. So I need someone to help me get this thing downloaded,or atleast explain what all these mean.

    site I found best
    #1 halo kid, Jun 12, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2009
  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    It's a RAR archive. Download WinRAR.

    I'm assuming the emulator is the one in the .RAR package? Something like GameboyEmulator.rar? Then you need to just put the .ROM file in the proper directory.
  3. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    Thank you nemi,you are know a god in my eyes. please hi five me back so I may get some of your awesomeness. o/
  4. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Sorry, Dave, I can't let you do that.

    By the way, emulation is legally illegal, so don't go asking around for ROMs. I assume you know that?
  5. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    I don't think he did, so it's best that this gets a lock.

    Full games you see that are free = illegal. If you want to discuss this with a certain member PM's are your friend ;D, I'm sure the mods will let you pass with this one, since you didn't link to piracy, but rather discussed it in general terms.
  6. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I was pretty sure that old Nintendo cartridge agreements stated that a computer ROM of the game file was allowed as a backup, as long as you had purchased the cartridge. The hilarity of having a ROM file to 'back up' a catridge made me lol, "Oh no, my Lylat Wars cartridge is broken, I'll just create a new one using that cartridge write drive that I have...."

    But this is why it's so easy to get hold of old Nintendo ROMS, because there is a way in which it can be legal and so they never cared. The exceptions to this rule are, if I'm correct, Zelda, Mario and Banjo games from the '64, not sure if there are any protected titles on the GB. I'm ready to be shot down on this one, but this is always the way I'd understood the situation. Technically most of the downloaded ROMs are still illegal, but as long as you could produce an old Pokemon cartridge of the same version if ever asked (it's not as if someone would ask, but otherwise I think it's still technically illegal, but even then no one cares these days about GB games being pirated) then I think you'd be in the clear.
  7. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Not all of them.

    Some games become free after 10 years of being on the market. Red Alert 1 and Tiberium Dawn being 2 that I can think of off the top of my head.
  8. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Dude, my favorite ROM is Pokemon Shiny Gold. It's a hack of Firered except it's very challenging and it's a remake/reimagination of Gold. Fantastic.
  9. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    great,what Im doing is illegal,AND I CANT UPLOAD MY SAVE FILE.
  10. azn_dude1

    azn_dude1 Ancient
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    It's not illegal if you own the game.
  11. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    Doesnt matter if its illegal or not,I deleted it since I couldnt save. I had 3 badges,a herrecross,qulava,togipi, and nindorino. but no, I could not save,I tryed in every way I could,but I couldnt.

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