Golden Oasis Found in the middle of nowhere, Golden Oasis is an abandoned city which has formed a unique racetrack with exotic twists and turns and the occasional water fountain. This track is very long and has a lot of u turns and one perfect jump. Now for the pics Overview The Jump U Turn U Turn Around The Fountain Banked Turn Last S Turn Download Here Download Racetracks here Enjoy and please leave comments
not the smoothest race track but i would have to say it makes up for it in creativity. I really like how you put the grass part with the "water" inside it. The jump looks pretty cool to. The layout of the map also looks very nice. 4.2/5 and i'm also going to DL
Nice job! i really like the fountain it adds a nice touch to the track. Though not as smooth as it could be in some spots still a very good effort! 4.3/5
even if this isnt the best as a racetrack, it makes up for it with the idea and aesthtics. 5/5 good job
I have seen a TON of racetracks...and the first thing when that I thought when I saw this one was "woah, cool!" this track looks awesome! great job, love the originality of it. I will DL it and test it out
I DL this Track. I downloaded this track before I got RROD and took a look at it. It reminds me a lot of Mobius City. A very good track. When I was going around the Grass turn I looked to my left and saw the fountain and it looked just like water in the Bottom. This track races well and does a good job. Loved the track another favorite of Mine.