Hey Guys, this is my first actual attempt to forge a map. I just wanted to know some of your guys' feedback. Zombie Fortress is a map that features a small armory, with slow respawning weapons for the Humans, a sniping platform, a maze-like base, and several machine gun turrets. It also features lots of cover for the zombies. Photobucket deleted my pics so here are the links to them Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details I changed the codes to embed the pictures for you. ~Chipsinabox
Hi! =D Im gonna tell you one thing before everyone else gets up on your case for it. ARMORIES ARE BIG NO NO's. Scatter weapons across the map to make it more challenging so they have to take the risk of going to get them. Some action pics would be nice to show how well it plays also. Other wise I guess its ok. You might want to put up zombie and human traits though so people can see exactly what everyones got going on health and damage wise. ;D
For you first attempt at a map ever, its okay. Although i suggest if you would like to learn further look at the forging section to find out tecniques. Also is there supposed to be a gametype for this or do you jus you the default infection gametype. Either way 3/5, good job on your first attempt.
ok is it just more or does everyone see this pic has been moved or deleted for the pics location instead of the actual pics
yeah mate your pics are broken, ill dl and take a look then review it though so ill put my review up in about 10 mins or so
If you have an armoury, fill it with explosives that have a minimum equal too 50% of explosives less then the maximum run-time. (E.g. 10 explosives, 5 run time minimum) This way there will always be 50% of explosives in the armoury. EDIT: Links too your images, using HaloScreenshots.net: http://haloscreenshots.net/cache/full/089D34AF06523BEBAE18468385EA5B92.jpg http://haloscreenshots.net/cache/full/C75EF8F6DC2E3CCD82DB4D3680FB6CD8.jpg http://haloscreenshots.net/cache/full/4BA3687BBFCCB8799967572B73D5851E.jpg http://haloscreenshots.net/cache/full/B447AB3566FBF969549123238278357A.jpg
Ok Ive Dl'ed the map and had a look around, so I'll review it for you. This is great first map and better than most peoples first maps,it is better than mine and probably most people on forgehub, well at least as far as the forgeing goes; However it is not a great infection map and from the layout i would say it would be better suited on a map like sandbox rather than foudry which constricts the size of the map and also the zombies movements. I would say when making a version 2 you should remove the armoury straight away and change it so there is a scattering of weapons that dont respawn, I would also say try and make the map neater because at the moment as far as aesthetics go its not great or overly pleasing to look at. Finally i would say try adding something original to that map because at the moment it is a very generic zombie map.(I would say maby a creative center piece or something along those lines) Gameplay:2/5 Originality:1/5 Creativness:2/5 Aesthetics:3/5 (solely on the fact that this is your first map otherwise 2/5) Overall:2/5 Additional Comments:Contact me on XBL a with the gamertag: indigobeef or message me on forge hub if you need anyhelp in the future.
you really should learn how to interlock and geo-merge i also think that its a little bit unfair for the zombies there is way to much free space.you could add some walls for exampl. you should do a version 2 with all the nice tips the member in your threat gave you.
Truthfully it looks really messy and doesn't look like it plays well. Keep on practicing and experimenting. 1/5.