Esoteric Download Esoteric HERE Esoteric is a medium large map with open areas, unique structures, and a great competitive layout. At first glance it can seem like a somewhat simple, well forged map but look further and it has some interesting twists. Once under the middle structure there are tunnels leading to upper passageways. These passage ways are great for getting getting a good shooting point on your enemies, sneaking up behind them, or safely transporting a flag or other objectives. Esoteric is best for CTF but also supports slayer, assault, KOTH, and Infection. It is best played with about 4-12 people. Weapons List Battle Rifle X8 (2 spare clips, 30 sec respawn) Carbine X2 (2 spare clips, 30 sec respawn) Sniper Rifle X2 (1 spare clip, 120 sec respawn) SMG X4 (2 spare clips, 30 sec respawn) Needler X2 (1 spare clip, 60 sec respawn) Spike Grenade X4 (30 sec respawn) Bubble Shield X1 (120 sec respawn) Match on Esoteric YouTube - CTF on Esoteric Overview Action Shots Download Esoteric HERE Feel free to rate and comment.
this looks pretty fun, not to competitive though, or maybe its just EXTREMELY competitive to the point where it isnt....cuz this map is...idk. Its not how open it is, its just shaped weird lol. like, its kind of narrow, but theres a bit of room, but it looks pretty small i guess simple is the word im looking for, cuz this reminded me of a matchmaking map. This looks like a doubles map, you say it suits 12 people....but lol 8 ppl looks like it would be too much idk im just judging from the pictures and the video. I thought it was extremely plain until i saw the side hallways. but bungies made simple and small maps before anyway right?and theyve been cool so good luck with ur downloads for this map, it looks good. the bases are kind of weird, they look (from pix) really open but theyre not cuz of how small the map is. actually i dont really mean the bases, i mean red and blue halves of the map haha anyway yea, nice map
Thanks, I had long and narrow in mind while making the map and always thought of it as a CTF map. I figured running all the way back down the middle with the flag would be near suicide making stronger use of the side passages. 12 might be a bit much but it is pretty open and pretty good sized.
Wow, is all I can say right now. Simple, yet great. When you mentioned there were tunnels I got worried but unlike alot of other maps, your tunnels don't go straight between the two bases, and I love that. It seems like there is little cover and I think just a couple more pieces on either side could fix that easy. Also this is the first map in a while that actually makes me want to gather all my friends together and play a game. I like how you tried to enforce a little teamwork into it by having to pass the flag to someone else through the little window thingy. It looks like neutral bomb would go great for this too. Anyway a 4.9/5 because of cover. But I haven't played it yet so maby it does work. Keep up the good work.
From the looks, it's a simple rendition of the all popular Coagulation. The thing is, I'd play this and not think it sucked unlike it's predecessor. I really am digging this by the game play pics, looks very chaotic, I shall give it a looksie.
this maps looks very clean and good. you also havea a very interesting concept in this map. im going to DL and also the cover that is 2 stone platforms standing in front of the bases, i was actually using those on the MLG map i am making except upside down. 4.5/5 is what i think this map should be rated at.
Concept is fantastic. I've been looking for a good narrow and long CTF map. I like the way you integrated the tunnels in the sides. For some reason for me the video doesn't work the screenshots look good. Is there tunnels on each side of the base with one being enclosed and the other with the open slits? I will download this very soon and probably add a simple T wall or something similar to add a little additional cover. 4.5/5
This looks cool but im afraid its just too linear. I mean its just straight from base to base. Its like Narrows except you can almost see the entire map wherever you are, ALMOST. Plus, it looks like if your team dies while the opponents have the flag, you will either spawn on the other teams side and meet in the middle, or spawn back at your base while they get over the hill. Once they get over that hill and your back at base, you are screwed for returning that flag. It does look beautiful though, and I dont know, maybe its fun to mess around on, or warm up or something. It just doesnt float my boat. Sorry if thats harsh its just my opinion.
i think the layout is good, but i think because of its so straight its very easy to capture the flag for example.maybe i would delet the mongooses thats a little bit harder. but what i also like is that you interlock some of your object. so all in all its good
wow it looks so simple yet so great the height variaions, your use of wall slits its simplicity comes together very nicely. It also includes some nice aesthetic ouches. The central ramp thing also does a nice job of blocking los whle providing some height variation. The only thing i question is would'nt the mongeese make it to quick to get to the flag and back. Overall though nice job.
Wow, I have to say this is a really nice map. Forged very well, pretty simple, and it works. I really like the side passages and the layout is pretty good. Some interesting structures, looks balanced, and pretty unique. Great work.
xX-Executioner-Xx Appearance- 1.4-Work Of Art game play- 1.6-Heave On Forge Originality- 0.4-Unique presentation- 0.5-Shark Attack Over all= 4/5 Though I like the map there were a few problems. For example the first team to get to the bubble shield became the rulers over the map and second you can get out of the map by grenade jumping but don't let those two small problems get you down this map is definitely fun to play and is with out a don't unique. Good Job.
Thanks for the review though I wasn't sure exactly what it meant until I looked at the link it your sig. Anyways, I haven't had any problems thus far with the bubble shield being too powerful or people escaping but I'll look into it.
A little to open for my liking but looks to be forged clean from the pics ill give it a download and get back to you on my final decission.
the map is actually better than i expected from the pics, we were have fun on this map but the spawns for slayer(ffa) were messed up when i played on it, i like the side tunnel they are very nice overall a very great map